Monday, December 13, 2010

Blog Swapping w/ A Vision to Remember

It's time for another Blog Swap! Let's give a warm welcome (and some comment love) to Bobbie from A Vision to Remember.

Take it away Bobbie :)

I am so excited to be here on Paisley Passions today! I am the author of A Vision to Remember. I also have my own etsy shop, where I sell many of my creations. I am a stay at home mom of 2 awesome girls and one dog. They are my inspiration for sure. Everything that I have made has been for them in some way.

Here are a couple of things that I have made over at my blog:

I love making rag quilts. I sell many in my etsy shop, but this pattern is available for download on my blog here.

This was a fun pleated headband that I made for myself (one of the few times that I craft for myself, if you know what I mean :)

I also made this fun Ribbon skirt for my daughter (Part 1, Part 2)

I also have many other tutorials on my blog. Make sure to stop by and check them out.

I also have my own Etsy shop. There I sell rag quilts, car seat tents, and lots of patterns. Some of the patterns I sell are rag quilts, belly band, and fabric flowers.

Thanks again for swapping blogs with me and make sure to stop by this weekend and link up to Check ME Out Saturday Link Party Have a great day!

Thanks Bobbie, for the swap. It was fun meeting you, and getting to know you a little bit better.

For all you Paisley Passions readers, don't forget to come by on Wednesday and link up to Wandering Wednesday blog hop. It's a GREAT way to meet new bloggy friends.

THURSDAY will be THRILLING Thursday where YOU can link up YOUR creations, or just enjoy the creativity of others. Hope to see YOU there!!!


  1. Following you from Tag Back Tuesday- great blog ;-) Come follow me back at Aimee

  2. Hello! Visiting here and happy tuesday
    Happy Holidays
    newest follower ,pls. follow me back
    :) Thank you

  3. Following From Totally Tuesday Blog hop,Id love if you could stop by and follow back

  4. New folllower! Come visit me:

  5. Thanks for swapping blogs with me today! It was lots of fun :)

  6. Love the creativity! I'm your newest follower. I blog at and Come on over for a visit! ~ Ellen


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)