Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop

Wandering Wednesday!!! Already? Wow! Last week flew by! Before we get started, I want to introduce you to my newest sponsor.

Meet Becky @ One Inspired Mom. Here is what she has to say about herself:

"I am a 27 year old stay at home mom with 2 stepsons, 6 and 10 and a 15 month old daughter. I am from NJ, live in FL for 3 years before this and now I am in AL (the middle of no where!) because my hubby and kids are from here.

I used to be a nurse for an OBGYN and now I stay home and do the whole "mommy thing".
We needed 2nd income and I wasn't about all the MLMS or scams. I work with My Family Dream Team. WE are a team of Mostly MOMS that help other moms stay home FOR REAL and make REAL dependable money each month without parties or buying inventory or selling anything.

My personal website is www.oneinspiredmom.com My goal that i am working toward is $55,000 in my first year. I am working my way there and it has only been 6 months!"

Wow! That certainly sounds like it is worth looking into! Pop on over to Becky's website for more info. I am sure she can answer any questions you might have :)

Are you ready for the BLOG HOP? Well, then, let's get started!

This is week #12 of the Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop I co-host with Jessica @ Inspiring You to Save.

We hope that you will join in on the fun of meeting new people through the blog hop :)

Want to join in on the fun? Here's all you have to do:

1. Become a follower of Paisley Passions AND Inspiring You to Save

2. Add our Wandering Wednesday button on your blog somewhere or link back in some way :)

3. Link up. Have fun. Visit other blogs. Make new friends.

As easy as 1, 2, 3!

Paisley Passions

Hope to see you again tomorrow for my Thrilling Thursday Linky Party where YOU can link up YOUR creations, or just stop by to see the creative genius of others :)


  1. I am working on getting the blog hop code from my co-host. If you are trying to link up to Wandering Wednesday, click on over to Inspiring You To Save and link up there. Sorry!

  2. It is all fixed now. So LINK AWAY :)

  3. Hello! What a great blog you have! I'm following you from Welcome Wednesday. Please follow me back at Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  4. I'm linking up for the first time and following. Thanks!

  5. Thanks for the link.

    I added your link to my Wednesday blog hops page.

  6. Hopping over to say hello and to invite you to visit my blog and also enter my giveaway. Hugs! Katherine
    P.S. Added your hop button to my blog's hop page :-)

  7. Hi -- I am a new follower and linked up for the first time today. I look forward to participating each week with a frugal recipe!! Thanks!



Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)