Monday, December 13, 2010

Finals Week. . .Need I Say More?

AWK! After having a slight heart attack, I think I can breathe easy now. My side-bar disappeared on my blog. POOF! GONE! For some reason the formatting in my last post was causing this to happen. Thanks goodness it is all fixed now. {INSERT HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF HERE} PHEW!

Just wanted to say that even though I have no new crafts to post (Sorry, but finals are kicking my butt!) I will still be blog swapping tomorrow. Check back to see what fun is in store for you from Bobbie @ A Vision to Remember :)

Also, WANDERING WEDNESDAY Blog Hop is going to be up on Wednesday. It is a great way to meet new friends.

THRILLING THURSDAY Linky Party will post on Wednesday night around 9PM and be open until midnight on Sunday. So, stop by and link up YOUR creations, or just stop by and check out the creativity of others :)

Off to study for my SIX comprehensive finals this week. Wish me luck. . .

PS- If you have emailed me with a question about a craft, or a blog swap, I will get back to you by the first of next week. Thanks for being patient and understanding :)


  1. Good luck on your finals! I know you'll be glad to have them over with.

  2. Good luck on your finals! I just finished mine last week and I'm SO glad it's all over! Now I get to graduate Thursday... YAY!

  3. Good luck with finals!! I am following you from the Wednesday blog hop...glad to have found your site! Feel free to drop by mine. :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)