Monday, March 14, 2011

Craft Room.

Craft Room- AKA: My Office, Where I get my "craft" on, Where my mojo flows, My Design Studio, My Spa, My Getaway Space, My Sanity Saving Spot, My Creative Space, My FAVORITE Room in the House!

I am not going to lie. . .I am a messy crafter.  When my mojo starts flowing, I just want to create.  I don't want to clean up until my project is complete.  SO, unfortunately, that means that my creative space eventually ends up looking like this:
SEE I TOLD YOU I AM MESSY!!!  Sometimes it gets so bad that I can't even go in there.  Then I end up doing my creations out on my kitchen table.  When this happens, I know my hubby is thinking, "Why, oh why, does she have a craft room, if she is just going to sit out here and do her crafts?"  Haha!

Last week I decided to get back into my craft room and get organized.  Sometime soon I plan on painting and pulling out the carpet and putting in laminate floors.  That hasn't happened as of yet, but you can still see what my space looks like. . .at least for now :)

Ahhh, so nice and clean!  Wonder how long it will stay that way?
Wanna go on a tour of my creative space?  (WARNING!  MANY PICTURES TO FOLLOW!)
Wall of cabinets
Closet Wall
Behind My Desk
Button Shelf
Inside of Closet Door
Inside my Closet
Labeled Drawers (Inside My Closet)
Labeled Alpha Drawers (Inside My Closet)
More Labeled Drawers
Cardstock Stash
Flower Shelf
Paint Storage
Window Seat
A view from the doorway
You can click on any of the pictures for a larger view.  I just didn't want to put them all in this post really large, or it would have taken up pages and pages on my blog :)

I actually found some REALLY SUPER DUPER UBER CUTE paisley print black and white material that I will be recovering my bench seat with.  So, watch for that in an upcoming post!

I hope you enjoyed my space!  Where do you get creative???

I will be linking up to some of THESE FABULOUS PARTIES this week. 

Hope you can stop by here at Paisley Passions on 
Wednesday for Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop,
Thursday for Thrilling Thursday Linky Party, and on
Friday for Fun w/Food Friday Linky Party :)


  1. Thou Shall Not Covet your Craft room.... but i DO! LOVE IT! YOU ARE SO LUCKY! I want and NEED A CRAFT ROOM. winks-jen

  2. I am so in love with your craft room!!!

  3. I love your craft room too, I want one, lol...

  4. What an amazing craft room!! I want such a big space for myself!

    I can't keep my craft spaces clean either...

  5. I do the exact same thing when I craft too. Messy, messy, messy. I just love your space. I swear you have your own craft store in your home. Wow!!

  6. I am feeling studio envy. Don't worry, I get that a lot. It's kind of a chronic thing. Your studio is one of dreams. I think we all get pretty messy in the midst of a project and have to regroup now and then. I hope you don't mind if I post a link to this post next week on my studio solutions blog? Have a great week, Connie

  7. I LOVE it! It looks awesome! I wish I could get motivated to organize and work on mine!

  8. Oh my goodness...LOVE it. Wish I had a space like that. :)

  9. Slightly...OK SUPER jealous of this craft room!!

    Mine is so small!!

  10. Beautiful Craft Room! I'm the same way about crafting... I leave scraps and all but, keeping it neat is so much easier to use! Thanks for linking up to Unwasted Homemaking!

  11. looking so organized.. how long it will be is the question which I also asked to myself after every arrangement........ I am sure it will:)....
    Wish to have one like this...
    Happy spring time
    Hope you like to pay a visit to my new spring arrangement saved in a cloche

  12. WOW! Can you say JEALOUS!!! I love it!!!!

    My kitchen table is my craft room... lol


  13. You give me added incentive to clean up and organize my craft cottage. It has been on my list but I have yet to get to it, sometimes inspiration like this is what I need. Thanks!

  14. That is a really pretty room!

    :) Good job!


  15. love love your space!!

  16. Girl! Your craft room ROCKS!!! Mine is my craft room/office/elliptical room/cat's room/ hubby's art center so we need to get it organized to this level. I am always glad to see that I am not the only one who makes a mess while being creative. It seems like many bloggers have craft areas that are less than clean at any given time.

  17. you get the award for most crafting stuff and organization!
    I love it!

  18. Ok, I would kill for a room like this...well not literally but I sure do love that room. You have done a great job. I always tell my husband if we ever move I have to have a room dedicated to crafting. I think he'd gladly give it to me because my house is covered in all my "In progress" projects. Great job

  19. So jealous of your space. I want a craft room like this soooo bad. I'm actually in the process of getting it there. This is going to be my new inspiration! Thanks for linking up to Creation Mondays @ ~The Life of Me~!

  20. What a great space to create in!! LOVE it!!! (=

  21. i am having MAJOR craft room envy!

  22. Jealous, jealous jealous, jealous, jealous!!!!!! Love it!!

  23. WOW. I just got my craft room set up, but I still have to share it with it being our eldest's bedroom when he is home! That isn't often though.

  24. This is exactly what my room looks like! I mean your before pics of course lol! Love your room!!

  25. Wow, that is nice! I wanna come over and craft! Fun fun fun!!

  26. This is very inspiring for me to clean up my craft area! I love all the organization and its all so pretty!

  27. Will you come organize my craft room... pleeeeeze? Mine looks like your 'before' pictures. I've got sewing, rubber stamping, beading, painting... all in one very tiny room.
    I found you on the All About You blog hop and am now following. :)
    Jan at Jewelry4Change

  28. Oh Em Gee...I ♥ your craft room! I would love to have a space like this...maybe one day? :) Lucky Gal!

  29. This is just amazing! Sounds to me like you better bar the doors, for there are a lot of jealous crafters out there. LOL What a beautiful 'creative space' you have!

  30. Seeing this really makes me want to reorganize my hobby room. You gave me a ton of organizing ideas. Thank you!!

  31. Looks great plus it's my favorite colors! And a little envious of the larger space. Thanks for linking up!

  32. Your craft room looks great! I am still working on mine!


  33. At least you have a room to hide your mess! My only craft space is my kitchen table - so I have to put everything away at night! I love, love, love your space! So clean and neat! Love all the drawers and jars! I'd love for you to post up this re"clean" at my Tuesday Time Out party - just started it today!


  34. Can I move into your craft room, pretty please? I promise to keep it neat and tidy.

  35. Lori, I have a feeling that in the even I should ever have such a fantastic craft room, I too would end up crafting in the dining room, lol. I'm also a messy crafter, and when I'm in the zone, nothing else matters, certainly not cleaning up, he he.

    However, GIRL,,, I had no idea you had such a FABULOUS craft room. You have like EVERYTHING in there, WOW,,, you are sooooo lucky.

    Thanks for sharing, and I too WISH for such a place.

    Hugs, and THANKS for always sharing over at **Amaze me AUgust** Bella Before and After , and if you are a sz8.5, and love cute shoes, come enter to win a pair of BCBGirls Hipster sandals ....GIVEAWAY HERE, I really appreciate the support.

    Bella :)

  36. I'm currently drooling over your craft room. Seriously.

    Following you now from Tag Back Tuesdays - hope you'll return the love!

  37. Can I come shop at your store!! I'm in heaven!!

  38. I second that emotion! I am most definitely a messy crafter...but you give me hope for organization and craft room sanity :)
    And I'm drooooling over how awesome your craft room is! ah.mazing.

    {thanks for linking up at Tag Back Tuesday! totally following you now!}

  39. Hi, I am joining in “The Time Out Tuesday Link Up Party” I was already a follower! I love this room and I want it (but only if you will come and regularly come and clean it up).
    If you are able, I would love a follow back. Thank you!
    ~KerrieLynn ღೋ☙❤
    KLs Cupboard on Facebook
    KLs Cupboard on Twitter

  40. Oh my goodness! I love love love your craft room!

  41. The before pictures gave me hives but I love the room cleaned up. :-)
    Totally stealing your storage idea for alpha letters. I have all mine thrown in one big drawer and never use them because I am too lazy to look for the right letter.
    Thank you for sharing.

  42. Awesome room! I don't have a room dedicated to crafting but my desk looks like you before picture while I'm working on something.

  43. Oh my gosh! I absolutely love it. The window seat is so pretty, too. Now that you've finished yours, can you please come do a room like that at my house? Also, thank you for posting the real "before" pictures. That makes me feel like I'm not the only one but I think mine is still worse. Enjoy your room!

  44. Who couldn't be inspired in a craft room like that!


  45. Oh WOW! Wonderful! My dream is to get my own space. Right now I am spread all over the dining room table, breakfast room table, and even the pool table in the basement! Oldest son is looking for a house and I keep eyeing his room. (Just can't tell him that!) Bookmarking this post for when I do get my own workspace. Thank you so much for this post!

  46. Wow, what a fabulous space. Have a good week and hope to see you over at My Dream Canvas.

  47. That is an impressive redo - I would love a room like that!

    Your newest follower - hope you'll visit me when you get a chance!

  48. I do the exact same thing!!! as i sit here and type this now...i look back at my mess and think..."i really need to clean this" lol. Your room is FABULOUS! thanks for sharing!!

  49. AKK!!! I LOVE IT!!! No, seriously I FREAKING LOVE IT!!! :)

  50. it so pretty...mine is a mess right now..Now I am motivated to clean...


  51. Wow! What a great space! I would love to have a craft room like that.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Jennifer @

  52. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm a new follower! I'd love for you to stop by when you get a moment! Happy Wednesday!


  53. What an awesome craft room! One day, I will have a space I can call all my own. For now, anyplace in the house will have to do. However for the most part, our dining room is Grand Central Station. Our table isn't for eating on, I can assure you of that. That will change, though, as soon as we can get into a larger home. Hey, it's okay to dream big, right? Thanks for sharing your pics!

    ~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

    Catch my blog post Amazing Grace!

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Your before looks alot like my "all the time! I love what you have done around your window. I really need to work on the layout of my craft room...

  56. OMG Lori I have craft room envy like you wouldn't believe! Sad story, we just moved into a house three weeks ago with a HUGE office. It was supposed to have a nice desk for hubby and become my craft room. The kids were supposed to live in the loft. However we could not run cable to the loft =( So to save our new expensive television from them we've decided to move them into the office and we are moving to the loft. The loft has ONE wall and the rest is a window and banister railing. I fear I will not have the storage and organization you have. Hence my ENVY of your beautiful space! Please link this to my VIP party friday @ I'd love to show this off to my readers.


  57. Wow your before photos look like my current studio! I really need to get my Mojo going to get it in better order.

    Love, love, love, love your after pictures. You did a great job and what a great design of colors and organization! I bet you have loads of fun in that room

  58. Well I can certainly identify with the before and I'm totally jealous of the after!!!!!! You did a fantastic job and I bet your creative ideas are just flowing so much better now that you have an organized area. Thanks so much for sharing.

  59. Ohhhh Lori! SO lovely! I have 1/3 of my bedroom set aside for my craft/art room. SUCH awesome inspiration you've given me!

  60. You are seriously one lucky lady! I am for sure bookmarking this so maybe oneday my space can look as amazing as yours!


  61. LOVE THIS! Come on ova' and link up to my Linky Party! xoxokara


    WOWZERS! What a transformation!! Come share :0)

  62. Awesome transformation! I am new here, and girl......I want to hang out with you! ;) What a fantastic craft room you have! If I had a room like this my family would never see me again! Blessings <3 Paula

  63. *shocked*... totally shocked at the transformation... I'd love to have a room like this... I'd do anything for a craft space of my own.. *sigh*... Some day...

    You maybe messy.. Lori.. but you are an awesome crafter... who keeps us all inspired.... so keep the mess alive!! :-)

  64. One day I can only hope to have a craft room like yours! Wow! I LOVE IT!! I kept saying to my husband HONEY LOOK AT THIS with every picture! :)

  65. What a great space! You have lots & lots of craft supplies girl!! I am so jealous! Its like your own Hobby Lobby right inside your home!

  66. I would love a craft room like that!

    I am following you (suelee1998) from the blog hop, you have a great site. Would you please follow me back?
    thank you :)

  67. I'm following your blog and loving your room transformation!! Thanks for the peek inside.

  68. Wow! What a transformation! Looks great!!

  69. looks awesome, so cheerful! i have a weekly party that goes from Tues - Thurs, i would love it you shared this.

  70. I love your craft room. I love all your supplies, hehe! And the fact that you've got storage space beneath the window bench too. One can never have too much storage space in a craft room....

    Tnx for linking up at my party this weekend!

  71. Wow! What a terrific space! That is the most unbelievable craft room! I love all the different ways you organized your craft supplies. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.

    I'm hosting a Throwback Thursdays Party, and would love it if you swung by and linked up something you made/bought/did from before blogging. I can't wait to see what you bring.

  72. WOW! I want a lovely colorful inspiring room like this! It looks fabulous! Great job!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  73. WOW!!! I love your craft room!! My craft room is isolated to one desk and a few old dressers in my spare bedroom!! And it looks a lot like yours before you organized it, and every weekend I think this weekend I will clean it up, but alas I don't, but you have inspired me to do so, and soon. Your newest follower from the bloghop
    Have a great weekend!!

  74. Your craft room looks fantastic. I love all the attention to detail in where you store things. It is so hard to keep craft rooms clean though, I sympathize.

  75. Holy Cow! That's a heck of a craft room! And you got LOTS of stuff! My craft room doesn't quite look like that... yet! lol I'm sure it will eventually turn into it. Thanks so much for linking up!

  76. Ok I want YOUR craft room. Mine get mega messy too - and I'm needing to sort it out now! You've inspired me, but I can't imagine mine even coming close to your masterpiece!! :)

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  77. If I had a room like that in my house, I'm not sure I'd leave! :D

  78. Oh my gosh, that is BEAUTIFUL! I am SO JEALOUS! Just love it!!! Fabulous job!

    Will you come do my room??? :)

  79. You've inspired me to look forward to the day when I have a craft room too! What an amazing space you have =) Thanks for sharing!

  80. WOW! I"m so jealous! I want your craft room--messy or not!

  81. I LOVE your craft room. You have so much craft stuff I'm jealous. Not easy to stay neat when you have an awesome craft idea.

  82. Amazing Transformation!!!

    Thank you for linking this up to Whassup Wednesday! Hope to see you this week at my


  83. Wow! That is one amazing transformation! Thanks for linking to Home and Family Friday.


  84. great space! I need to get one of those shoe thingees for the inside of my closet I can add more stuff in there!

  85. So funny, I have glimpses of my craft room on my post right now. I only did 'glimpses' as it is still in the messy state, I haven't got to the clean up part yet. ;) I love your huge room! You're so lucky to have such a big space for only you! That's what I am grappling w/ right now...trying to find a bigger space. I can now see why you are so inspired and how you create such awesome stuff.
    p.s. If I do decide to take my daughters room (who is at college now) I will put down laminate too! So much better for a craft room.

  86. Awesome craft room. Thanks for the inspiration. I am rearranging my craft room right now. I came from Between U & Me.

  87. WOW...I just want a craft "space" I have some boxes in my closet that I keep my craft supplies in. We have no extra space in our house for a craft area for me. But if we ever do I want it to look like that :)

    lauren @

  88. I am speechless. I just want to go downstairs and start organizing. Thanks for sharing with Motivated Monday at BeColorful. I will be featuring you this week.

  89. I love your craft room and admire your organizing feat. I'm in the middle of the before all over the place since I don't have a room now.

    What kind of boxes did you use under your bench seat? I'm assuming they are strong enough to sit on.

    Thanks, Katharine

  90. Love your space. The storage geek in me completely geeked out! I linked to your post today on My Crafty Weekend, I hope you drop by to link more!

  91. I wanted to let you know we featured this on WhipperBerry today. We absolutely LOVE this craft space and are more than a little jealous!!!

  92. What a great room. Found you via Whipperberry.
    I'm now following you.
    x Marnie {3pickles}

  93. That is the stuff that dreams are made of.


    I really hope I can have a studio again. Wow.

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Juice Thursday.

    I'll be featuring your MOJO space this week.

    Swoon. Love. Pick me up off the floor now.

  94. That is the stuff that dreams are made of.


    I really hope I can have a studio again. Wow.

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Juice Thursday.

    I'll be featuring your MOJO space this week.

    Swoon. Love. Pick me up off the floor now.

  95. WOW! That is an absolutely amazing space! Full of inspiration and organization. Thank you so much for linking this up to Inspiration Friday this week!

  96. i'm so glad you shared this on fridays unfolded...and entirely jealous of this did a wonderful job.


    stuff and nonsense

  97. WOW!!! I am crazy impressed with the organization you've got going on in there!!! And the supplies!!! What a stash!! :) Thanks for sharing on Fancy This Fridays!

  98. Love this post...thank you for linking up to Whassup Wednesday! Hope to see you tomorrow:)


  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Wow! I'm so amazed looking at that room. That's an awesome craft room!

    Sell WoW Account

  101. I have the ame problems with my craft room... mine looks like your before pictures :-) Maybe one daye they will look like your after pictures.

  102. Holy Cow! I HEART that room!! Great job!

  103. wow, what a room!! I do scrapbooking. I'll have to show this to my scrappy friends! Great job. it's so pretty. I just love red!

  104. Your craft room is so cute that I would be content to just sit on that darling window seat and just read while you craft!

  105. Beautiful craft room! Love the bench in there too. Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays. Featuring this tomorrow!

  106. Jealous...and inspired. This is gorgeous!

  107. WOW! I'm inviting you to link this to my delightfully inspiring link party.

  108. oh...thank you, thank you, thank you...i thought i was the only one that got messy with crafting...but do tell where did you get those neat cube shelves.

  109. Your room is no a room, it's a STORE! Where are you located? I found you through maleahbliss. Your color choices are mine as well for the "craft room". Keep up your awesomeness!

  110. such an amazing space, love all the black, white and red with the wall color! beautiful!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)