Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ad Space Winners!

The winners chosen by Random.org for my 3 Month Ad Space Giveaway are:
Comment # 10: Girl In Air
Comment # 59: Petite Hermine
Comment #72: Sarahndipities

CONGRATS!  You will have an ad space on Paisley Passions until June 30, 2011.  I will get your 125X125 ad posted as soon as you send me your button :)   Thanks for entering!!! 


  1. WAHOO!!! I'm so excited!!! Thanks so much for doing this AWESOME giveaway!! I'll be getting you the button ASAP!!

  2. You're welcome, Sarah! Thanks for entering :)

  3. Oh how freakin fabulous!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!

  4. WOWoowowoww! Thank you!!! :D This is amazing!!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)