Monday, January 3, 2011

Top Ten of 2010

I thought that this week it would be fun to highlight my Top 10 posts of 2010.  It was fun to go back and look at some of the stuff I have made this year.  Some things were better than others (actually some I am even a little bit embarrassed that I even posted!), but it is all the process of being creative, right?

Here they are in no particular order:
Trick or Treat Candy Chest

Subway Running Art

Cookie/Cupcake Decorating Station

Corkboard Makeover

Cabinet Door Chalkboard
Chalkboard Dining Room Table

TV or Breakfast in Bed Laptray

Vanity Chair Makeover

Vanity Makeover

Ribbon Storage & Organizer
A VERY SPECIAL THANKS to all of you who have followed and commented on Paisley Passions in 2010. Here is looking forward to a GREAT 2010.  Here's hoping the creative juices keep flowing for all of us in the new year!


  1. I absolutely LOVE your family growth chart.. in my family we have a wall that has marks of where my children have grown and my grandmother has shrunk.. One day they will meet in the middle! Its a family tradition everyone loves! I featured it on my blog.. hope you will grab a button @

  2. these are all so wonderful! here's to a new year of fab friends, craftiness and the growth of all our businesses. :) xoxo

  3. Happy New Year to you Lori... This is a rocking list.. I hope to be more proactive.. and inspired by you.. and do a few DIYs this year..

  4. Your blog is so cute! I love crafty things and art, so I'm definitely going to visit again. :)

    I'm a new follower from Making Friends Monday. I would love it if you'd follow me back!

  5. Thanks for linking up all these great projects to Creation Mondays @ ~The Life of Me~

  6. I am a new follower. Loving all this great stuff. I look forward to you stopping by my blog soon.

    Lisa xx

  7. My favorite is definitely the bed laptop tray! :-) Thanks for linking up to Ten on Tuesday!

  8. A great review! Love the chalkboard dining table. I did that with a desk I picked up for my kids from the side of the road - they loved it!

    Thanks so much for linking to A Round Tuit. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. Looks like you had a great year in the project department. I love it all!

  10. Love the way you organize your ribbons!

    For a chance to win 3 different organisation to- do list printables from IHeartOrganizing etsy store please checkout my giveaway.

  11. I've been a fan all year. You already know I think your projects are awesome. :) Thanks for linking to Whatcha Got Wednesday!

  12. You had a great year. Keep up the good work.

  13. I really like that chalkboard dinning table! Thank you for linking these up at the craft catwalk!

  14. I love all the projects, my fav has to be the candy chest tho! Thanks so much for linking this up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  15. O love them all! What a talented lady you are :) Thanks for linking up!

  16. It looks like you had a GREAT year! I think my fav is the desk with the fluer de lise. So pretty!
    Thanks so much for linking these up! I hope you'll stop by Tute {Yourself} Tuesday again next week!

  17. Great crafts!! Love them! Thanks for linking it up for Craftify It Thursday. You have a cute blog. I'm a new follower and I added you to my crafters blog roll.

  18. Wow! You completed some awesome projects in 2010. I love all your chalkboard fun and the ribbon storage is such a great idea. Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday.

  19. Love your lapboard! Off to check it out... thanks for linking up!

  20. You have had an amazing and busy year. I have enjoyed our visits and hope to share again in 2011.

  21. Awesome projects! I especially love the T.V. tray!

  22. I remember each one of those awesome projects! You had a fantasic and very creative year!

    Can't wait to see all your new ideas this year.

  23. Thanks for linking up your top ten at my party today!

  24. I'm glad I stumbled across your blog. I really like the lap table!

  25. I so glad you did this post because I must have become a follower after that dining room table. I'm crazy for it. Thanks for the helpful hints too. This is something that I would like to create too.
    I will be featuring it in tonight's post
    Thanks for sharing on Motivated Monday at BeColorful

  26. I love all of your projects and I can't wait to see what you have for 2011!!

    Thanks for linking up to Free for All!

    Hannah @

  27. I love your projects!! I am just craft hopping by!

  28. I have to say, I'm a huge fan of that cupcake station! Yum! All of your ideas are wonderful. Looking forward to another year full of them!

  29. I remember most of those projects and even spotlight a couple of them on my blog. ;)

    Thanks for linking up to the party. I hope to see you often.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  30. katherinekinnaird likes paisly passions on fb

  31. @kinnairdkath now follows paisly passions on twitter

  32. Running Art is my favorite, I think. I love everything about it... there is just nothing better than words. And you displayed it so perfectly.

  33. I love all your projects! Looks like it was a great year!

    Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

  34. Hey Lori, I just wanted to let you know I FEATURED your top 10 today, so come grab yourself a FEATURED button and display it proudly girl. I am so happy that you link up to my parties, and always support my blog.

    THANK YOU so much!!!

    Also I am having a CSN store giveaway, would you like to enter girl, I'd really appreciate it.

    Bella :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)