Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blog Swap w/ Eat, Pray, Homeschool

Before we get started with the fun blog swap today, lets take care of a few things around here :)

1. Have you entered my GIVEAWAY for a FREE 3 Month Subscription to E-Mealz? You should! E-Mealz is a WONDERFUL way to save time, save money, and eat healthy.

2. Tomorrow is Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop. Come by, link up, make new blog friends :)

3. Thursday is THRILLING THURSDAY Linky Party where YOU get to link up YOUR creations, and be inspired by the creativity of others.

4. Friday is the NEW Fun with Food Friday Linky. There will be a linky party for YOU to link up your food related posts AND a special guest post. You won't want to miss it!

I think that is it :) Let's see what fun Nicole with Eat, Pray, Homeschool has is store for us today. Take it away, Nicole!. . .

My First Ever Blog Swap, and what a talent to be paired with.

A HUGE thank you to Lori for having me over today here at Paisley Passions, she makes me want to pull up a chair and spend hours looking around. I was not sure if I wanted to be featured on her blog, or have her come over, decorate my house and teach art classes to my children.
She is so amazing and you should read what she had to say over at Eat, Pray, Homeschool about all she has planned for her wonderful followers.

I am Nicole, a blogger with only 7 months behind me and almost 6 blogs between our little family of four. Blogging is a wonderful tool for your children and since we homeschool our children, we decided it could count for creative writing too. Having people come along this homeschool journey of our's sounded like a whole load of fun and so our homeschool blog Eat, Pray, Homeschool was born.

They say a family that prays together, stays together.
Well, tough one with an atheist in the house,
but the rest of us pray for him, so it should count for something.

They say that a family thats plays together, stays together.
Not an athlete amongst us, nary a one.

So how about a family that blogs together, ok, what rhymes with blog?
Anyway, here are the links to the blogs all written a'la Morgan
and in spite of whatever we may say on them somedays - we all love eachother very, very much :)

The Mothership as Wiki calls it is my blog where I ruminate, muse and sometimes complain and whine about life ...
By Word of Mouth

Miss Wiki has two blogs, she is cool like that ...
Wise Words by Wiki
What's Cooking with Wiki

The Princess is all aglow with her brand new blog ...
Princess in Pajama's

Mr 51% should inspire the men in your life
because us girls know that nothing is sexier than our man in the kitchen ...
Guy's Guide to the Gastronomic G-spot

This is us, and this is where it

all began ...

Then, just like Clifford the Big

Red Dog who grew with love,

so did we.

Now we are the Morgan family!

We are currently living in Boca Raton FL, but we have a pretty

global history. Ian aka Mr 51%/Big Dog was born in London

England, Nicole was born in Liverpool England. We met in

sunny South Africa, married in the Chesapeake Bay MD, US of

A. and have since winged our way around several States.

Wiki made her way into the world in Pittsburgh PA and The

Princess was born in Houston TX . She does not have a Texan

accent even tho she insists that she did when she was a baby

(she lived in TX for a mere three weeks)

We have so much to share with you, the dreaded infertility

rollercoaster, the road to adoption, our path on homeschooling,

our travels of the world, and to be honest, the day to day

ramblings from inside of my head, tend to feature big time!

So here we are:

My No. 1 Mom role:

Wife to one Incredible Guy, Mommy to two Wonderful Girls, Homeschooler, Zookeeper, Office Manager, Mediator, Creative Director, Travel Agent, Chauffeur and sometimes Master Chef ... all boils down to the World's Best Job!

No. 1 Dad role:

Husband to his No. 1 wife, Daddy to his two Favorite Chicks, Hands down the Best Chef, Provider of the Best Life has to offer us, and all round Great Guy who is Pretty Darn Cute!

Right now he is a wannabe blogwriter, but so busy being a Corporate Road Warrior that he has one lonely post sitting in his blog.

Our Wonderful Offspring:

First born:

Beautiful as you can see
So smart her little sister refers to her as WIKI
Lover of all creatures
and fab Assistant Chef!
Uber-talented blogwriter, be sure to follow her at
Wise Words by Wiki

The Baby of the House:

The Princess

Sweet and Witty

Artist of note
Dramatic, of course
Fashionista Extraordinaire
and Absolute Princess!
Creative writing 'class' at her blog
Princess in Pajama's

Hope that you enjoy getting to know us,
we have an awful lot too share!

So thank you to Lori for letting me tell you about us today, I do hope that you will stop by and visit us at this plethora of blogging we invaded the blogosphere with. We do lots of arts and crafts at Eat, Pray, Homeschool so keep us in mind. We also do believe that the World is Our Classroom, and hope you stop by and share our travels around the globe. Love to all xxx

Thanks, Nicole for swapping with me today!!! It is always fun to meet other bloggers out in blogland :)


  1. Thank you Lori, you are up on both 'my' blogs and hope that people come over and see all of the amazing things that you do!
    Watch out Martha, there's a new girl in town!

  2. Cute blog! I found you on the "Tag You're It" list:)

  3. Newest follower from Wandering Wednesday blog hop. Thanks for hosting!

    Happy New Year!

    Jennifer @ http://justpeahyindixie.blogspot.com

  4. Already a member stopping in to say Hi from the Wandering Wednesday Hop

  5. Newest follower from Wandering Wednesday. Love your blog :)

  6. Hi! I am a new follower from your blog hop.
    Thanks for hosting. Your site looks fun - I'll be browsing around to see all of your creativity.



  7. Newest follower from FMBT... hoping you stop by and follow me back.

  8. Wowzers....I thought I had been around the world and back. What an interesting journey! Enjoy the day all!:)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)