Monday, December 27, 2010

Growth Chart

Christmas has come and gone, and now New Years will be here before we know it. I honestly cannot believe how quickly 2010 has flown by. It has been kind of a crazy year for us: too many hospital visits, too many injuries, too many surgeries. Just one of "those" kinds of years. So, I am looking forward to a New Year. Here is hoping that 2011 is a MUCH better year for us :)

Last year I made a growth chart for my hubby for Christmas. We have always tracked our kids heights on the laundry room door, but each time we moved (which has been a lot!) we would leave their height marks behind. So, I came up with a chart that we could take with us if we ever moved again (keep our fingers crossed we don't!).

Here is the one I made last year: {CLICK HERE to see the original post}

Growth Chart
Anyway, long story short, a friend of mine wanted to make some growth charts like mine for her family for Christmas. So, here is a quick tutorial for you in case you ever want to make one of your own :)

I started with a 6 foot tall 1X6 board.  I got mine at Lowes for around $5.
1X6 Board
If there are any rough spots on the board, be sure and lightly sand them.  Mine was pretty smooth, so I didn't need to do any sanding.  Also, a quick tip, make sure that your board is straight before you buy it.  Sometimes they are a little bit twisted and they won't hang well on the wall if they are.

Paint the board with whatever color you choose.  I used "linen" for mine.

Then if you want, you can find a little helper to come in and help you paint.  Here is a pic of my friend's son helping out with her Growth Chart :) 
After the paint is dry, I added some stain to the top for an aged look.  Adding the stain is super easy.  Just squeeze a little onto a rag, and rub until you get the desired look you want.
The next step is to cut the vinyl.  I designed mine on my Cricut Design Studio.  Then cut the vinyl out with my handy dandy Cricut.  Don't you think I should get some sort of a kick-back from Cricut for as often as I promote mine ;)  Ha!  I wish!  :)

I chose brown vinyl because I thought that it worked well with the colors that I had used to paint the board.

After the vinyl is cut, put marks on the board one foot apart and place the vinyl in the appropriate spots.  Then add the family name on the top.  Lastly, I drilled a hole in the top center and the bottom center of the board so that it could be hung.

Here is a pic of the three I helped my friend make:
Growth Charts
I randomly added flowers to mine.  She didn't on hers, but I don't think you need them.  The charts look cute either way :)

To mark mine, I just use a sharpie maker and write the name and the date of the person next to their height mark.  It has been a fun tradition of ours to measure the kids each Christmas and see how much they have grown the past year.  My middle son "Bones" was THRILLED this year because he is officially the tallest person in our family at the age of 15.  He couldn't brag enough about it on Christmas Day!

I will link up and party HERE and blog hop HERE this week.  Go on over and check them out.  There are some super fun parties out there.

Also, please stop by and visit and link up to my Thrilling Thursday Linky where YOU get to share YOUR creations and enjoy the creativity of others as well.  It is open each week from Wednesday night through Sunday @ midnight.


  1. I really do love this!

    I think I might use this tutorial and make one to give to my SIL at her upcoming baby shower! So excited to watch my lil nephew grow...and this is the perfect way to do that! :D

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. These are so neat! I love the family names at the top too!!

    Also, Wanted to let you know about something going on over at my blog! You could enter for a chance to be featured on my site! Go here for details:

  3. wow! what a great tutorial! thanks for sharing!

  4. Super fab idea! Thanks for sharing!
    Bon @ Drab to Fab

  5. How fun! Thanks for sharing! :)

    I'm your newest follower, feel free to stop by and follow back:

    - Ashley

  6. This is a great idea! I think we need one, as we are not in a permanant house as this point. My sone will be one next week, so if I want it for each year of growth I'd better get on it! :)

  7. Hi!
    I'm stopping by via the Monday hops to say hello and to follow. Have a great day!

  8. Looks cool! Hi~ I am your newest follower from the Monday blog hop & would love it if you stopped by and returned the love :)

  9. I would love for you to share with blog post on my Organizing Mission Monday link party! I am actually going to be having a blog post before too long on the wall my father has always measured my kids on.. so it would be cute. Hope to see you there.
    I'll also add your link party to my link list.
    I'm not on blogger, so going to add my link...

  10. I love love love this! Hey come add it to my linky party. Tut'n Tuesdays, you would totally rock this!!

    ~ Nikki

  11. This looks great! I featured you today! Hope you had a great holiday!


  12. I am a big fan of growth charts you can take with you for the same reason. Yours is beautiful!!! Great tutorial. Thanks for linking it up today!

  13. Found you at TTT following along, please follow back @

  14. I love it! Very cute!


  15. This is so cute! I love this for a baby gift so the parents can hang it up and mark it each year!

  16. Great idea to use wood for this! Much better than marking the walls! It would make a fantastic keepsake too - you could also add photos of your kids at the various heights they were (I saw that on a fabric one once and loved the idea!)

    Thanks so much for linking up to A Round Tuit.
    Have a fantastic week and a very Happy New Year!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  17. What a cute project and a great gift idea! I, too, think Cricut needs to compinsate us for our excessive use of their awesome product. he he

    Thank you for linking up to "Amaze Me Monday" blog party. I hope to see you next week!

  18. Really cute AND you can take it with you if you move. I always hate seeing people have to paint over growth charts when they move.

  19. Wow- that's fabulous! I could sure use one of those too. I would have to paint or modpodge my numbers on as I don't have a cricut :( but that's ok, I'm used to it! Thanks so much for linking this up.

  20. Hi! I found your link from the Pumpkin Patch... and I absolutely love this! I wish my parents had marked my growth, and this is such a modern way to do it and something can travel with you if y'all were ever to move. Love it!

  21. OMGosh! Two words for this...
    Ca-ute! I LOOOOOOOOOOVE these! I found you on another linky party but would be THRILLED if you would link up to my WHASSUP linky!!! Im craaazy about your blog too!



  22. Thanks so much for linking to my Wicked Sweet Wednesday with this post!

  23. Those are GORGEOUS! Thanks so much for linking it up to gettin' crafty on hump day!!! :)

  24. I am featuring you tomorrow at

  25. These are super neat-wonder if my sister has ever thought of getting one-she has 3 kids-thanks for the idea!!! Happy New Year!

  26. I want one too! That is so cute. Thanks for linking up to Tuesday Tell All.

  27. We seem to move around a lot, so I LOVE this idea for my growing kiddos!! I featured this post at

  28. Ah, man! I see these being awesome future gifts for friends and family with children! Thank you so much for linking up on Sew Woodsy!

    We featured your project today!

  29. Love these, so pretty! If you can get a kickback from Cricut, I'd love to know about how to get one ;) Happy new year!

  30. Thanks so much for linking up to my party today!

  31. Nicely done!

    Tnx for linking up to my party! :)

  32. Lori, those are great and they would make terrific gifts. Here's to hoping that 2011 is a way better and accident free/healthy year for you and the fam.
    Thanks for sharing your post with me on Motivated Monday at Becolorful

  33. This is an awesome gift idea, I love it! Thanks for linking up to Sister Sister, have a great week!

  34. How fun! What a lovely gift! I love that you can take it with you!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  35. Hi Lori...

    What a cute idea! Love how your growth chart turned out! Thank you for sharing it and the tutorial with us!

    Warmest wishes and Happy New Year!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  36. Thanks so much for linking this up at the catwalk! We have the store bought paper ones...I like this one so much better! Featuring this today!

  37. We loved this idea so much at Fancy This Fridays that we chose to feature it!!! Check it out and grab a feature button! Thanks for linking up!!!

  38. I am featuring you today on my Wicked Sweet Wednesday link party!! Please stop by and pick up the "Proud To be Featured on Wicked Sweet Wednesday" button. You can find it on my right sidebar!!

  39. Love your charts! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

  40. I have a cricut, but only have one cartridge. I see the picture of your connected to your laptop and it shows just how much will fit and where the letters will be cut. Can you or have you done a tutorial on that?

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