Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blog Swap w/ My Modish Mood

Today I am happy to introduce Taylor-Ann from My Modish Mood. You are going to LOVE her creativity! She has an amazing blog and is super darling to boot! I am sure you are going to be glad you found her. So, leave a comment here or on her blog and say "Hi!". Take it away, Taylor-Ann. . .

Thanks Lori for hosting another blog swap today....

Hey there...My name is Taylor-Ann and I am from My Modish Mood and I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas. I now I sure did...(I got a Sihlouette machine and crafting table that I just L.O.V.E.)

My Modish Mood

This is my first blog hop so I'm a bit nervous... My little ole blog is all about crafts, and life (my life). Some days I talk about this handsome lil fellow...

other days its all about crafts...

Like this Necklace...

or this wreath...(Hi..my name is Taylor and I'm a wreath-a-holic)

Or this wreath...

I also blog about crafting cute cards like these...

I also have some recipes that if I try and they work out (sometimes I follow the recipe to the T and they don't) I will post about them..

Like this soccer cake I made for lil mans soccer team

Or these spider cupcakes...

Well, that wasn't to bad...my nerves are gone...thanks for tagging along and checking everything out. And Thanks again to Lori for hosting another wonderful blog swap.
~ Taylor-Ann

Taylor! You did great!!! No need to be nervous :) Thanks for sharing your wonderful blog here on Paisley Passions today.


  1. hi there - new follower now following both of you! :)

    would love a follow back at

  2. Hi there! I'm a new follower from Totally Tuesday and just started following you! Would love a follow back!


  3. Hello, following from Follow Back Tuesday. I love your blog. Hope you can visit mine.


    Mary O

  4. What a cute blog you have! I just found you on the hop and I'm now following. I hope you can follow me back at Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

  5. new follower and first time hopping on wandering wednesday!


  6. Love this post...I am heading over now...I found this blog post via Inspiring to Save..



  7. I love all these creative cupcake and cake ideas, thanks for sharing!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Good post! I live in Argentina, so I liked the soccer cake in particular, but they're all good.
    Juan Pablo
    <a href="http://healthyglobalrecipes.blogspot.com>healthyglobalrecipes.blogspot.com</a>


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)