Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Tree

I know a lot of people have been saying this, but really, don't you feel like this year has FLOWN by??? I really can't believe that it is December and that Christmas is almost here! Wow!

Not a whole lot of crafting has been going on here. I have started putting up my Christmas decorations, but I haven't even done much with those. I have six comprehensive finals coming up next week, and so really all my focus has been on finishing up all my papers, case studies, and lesson plans, and focusing on FINALS WEEK! I will be SO glad to have another semester of school behind me in two weeks :) YAY for that!!!

Next Christmas will be a SUPER CELEBRATION for me because I will have just finished up my LAST SEMESTER for my bachelors degree!!!!  I can hardly wait!

Anyway, I thought I would at least share the progress I have made on my tree so far since I don't have any crafts to share :)  My tree is 11ft tall, and so it takes a while to decorate it, especially since it is old and I still have to string all the lights, no pre-lite tree for me :(

I am going to try and LINK UP HERE and BLOG HOP HERE this week, if I get time in-between studying for finals :)

Come by on Thursday and LINK UP to THRILLING THURSDAY.  If you didn't have a chance to stop by last week, CLICK HERE to view all the thrilling projects that were linked up!  There is some AMAZING inspiration over there :)

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. Yes!!! Yes, I do feel like it has flown by and I have no idea what it is. It is so weird. I feel like my kids are growing up too fast and this year was so ridiculously fast! I feel like I'm moving in fast foward! ahhhh1! make it stop!!

    anyway, just swinging by to check in. Love your tree! Its amazing!!

  2. I love that tree! Beautiful!
    I'm your newest follower! I hope you will visit back!

  3. What a beautiful tree. I absolutely love tall skinny trees, they give the room such unique character. I'll try to get pics up of my tree tomorrow.

  4. Love your tree, it is so big! I remember the feeling when finishing up a semester of school, one of the best feelings ever. Good luck!

  5. thanks Lori for linking up my hop!!! And of course you are welcome for stopping by. I love your blog. always a good read :)

  6. Your tree is beautiful!
    Just out Making Friends on Monday! Happy to be following your blog!

    Anna, The Pilot's Wife

  7. Wow, that is one TALL tree! It looks gorgeous!


  8. What a great tree!!! It is beautiful!!! ...and tall!!!

  9. it really has crept up on us toooo... lol.. just wanted to swing by and let you know we're going to feature you as our guest o-host on Tag Back Tuesday blog hop.. Congrats!!

  10. Congratulations on finishing your last semester!

  11. Hi Lori,

    I am hosting an xmas carnival on The keybunch. Do stop by and participate with this fab xmas post!

  12. That looks fantastic!!!!!! Thanks so much for linking it up to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

  13. Your tree looks great!
    Thanks for linking up to A Round Tuit.
    hope you have a fantastic weekend.

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  14. That looks great!

    What would you do with a $75 gift card?  I have a  giveaway on my blog right now for just that!  

    Come on over and enter!  

  15. How fun! Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All!

  16. Hopping!

    Newest follow on GFC, Follow back at


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