Monday, December 6, 2010

Blog Swapping w/ Patricia @ Colours Dekor

Tuesdays are great, because I get to meet so many new bloggers out in blogland through blog swapping.

Patricia has a super fun blog called, Colours Dekor. I just know you are going to love her!

Hello all of you at Paisley Passions!! I’m Patricia Torres from Colours Dekor and am so so thrilled to be a part of Lori’s lovely blog!! Now a little about me… I’m an accountant by day and a design enthusiast by evening time… Seeing beautiful things and enhancing their beauty challenges my everyday being. I’ve always been interested in the creative side of life and love colours ~ anywhere!! everywhere!! I love making my surroundings look beautiful with the minimum resources I have available.. And – Colours Dekor ~ is a platform to capture the simple DIYs, craft or wall paintings or just rearrangements I do in my home… Let me show you a few things… so you know how obsessed I am ... *smiles*

We painted this ‘peacock wall’ over a weekend… It was the first time we did something in such a large scale… but it was totally fun!!

I’m a little passionate about paintings walls !! Redoing my girls room, we stencilled these ballerinas.. I made the stencils myself… (tutorial to follow at some point)..

Then over another weekend… we painted the cabinet in my girls room to simply make it look happier. What do you think??

I love to see wall murals, DIYs, easy and simple crafts… Creating a beautiful environment is my everyday passion!! My blog is a journal about my home, the colours I love and the zest to make it look stunning..

I also love travelling and learning about new cultures.. Do hop on to ‘Amit & Patty’ (my travel journal). Photography is my new found passion and I post a few pictures on ‘Colour Corridors’

Here is wishing you all a ‘Merry Christmas’ well in advance. Hope the new year brings a lot of joy and cheer in all your lives…

Oh.. and lastly.. Weekends are most important to me.. Come and join our linky party ‘Weekend Wrap Up Party @ Colours Dekor’… I’d love to know you better and see how you make the most of your weekends.

Thank you all for taking the time to read a little about me and my passions…. Hope you stop by at ‘Colours Dekor’.. Also, thank you Lori… for giving us such an inspirational blog!!

Wow! Doesn't she have some amazing stuff??? I am glad we swapped today, because I didn't know she hosts her own linky party. I am going to have to go and get her in my linky library right away!

Patricia, thanks for swapping with me today and inspiring all of us with your amazing designs :)


  1. This is great, Pats. A collection of all your DIY's. I plan to pick your brain sometime about the girls' room cabinet - it looks so professionally done!Great stuff, and great going!

  2. What a fantastic blog you have and I adore that peacock. I am a brand new follower from the Tag back Tuesday blog hop. I'm hopping all day as the snow and ice has me trapped again. What a great excuse to meet new people.Do feel free to drop by and follow me if you'd like.
    Kindest wishes
    Carol from

  3. Loved it Patty.......your gorgeous peacock wall is such an inspiration! :)

  4. Do u like ever stop surprising people... wow! tht peacock wall looks soooo proffesional... AMAZING!

  5. Wow.I have seen all that on Patty's blog already but looking at it again still makes me go Wow!
    You have anamazing blog here.Checking it out now.

  6. Hi!
    I'm a new follower from Wandering Wednesday! Would love for you to visit my page and follow back!
    I was featured as a guest post on Sears' blog today for my favorite holiday cookies!! Come check it out!

    Frugal Invitation

  7. Thanks for the blog hop! I'm a new follower :)


  8. Beautiful! Found you from the hop and am now following!

  9. you are the best Pats! I love your enthusiasm & how you make each moment of your life special


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)