Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Time to Party w/ Cookies, Cupcakes, and Ice Cream!

Are you ready for a party???  This is a little project I put together for a party we had at our house.  We have used it to decorate cookies & cupcakes, and we have used it for ice cream toppings for banana splits.  The teens in this house LOVE it :)  They can decorate their own cupcakes & cookies, or add their own special toppings to their ice cream. 

I started with a See & Store magnetic stand (someone had given it to me and it had been sitting around in its box for quite a while.  Glad I FINALLY found a use for it!) and flipped it over on its side.
Then I added some fun scrapbook papers, ribbon, and bling to it.
I found some small spoons (the kind like they give you an ice cream sample with) and I punched a hole in the top of each of them.  Added some ribbon and a jewel.
I took one of the plastic containers and cut a slot out of the top so that the spoons could slide down into it.
Then I filled the containers with all kinds of sprinkles and toppings.
I took a clear plastic container and added some embellishments to it.  Then I tied a ribbon to the tops of the frosting tubes and put them into the container.
VOILA!  We are now ready to party!  Now all we need are some cupcakes and some cookies :)
I am BLOG HOPPING HERE this week.
I am LINKING UP HERE this week.


EYE can make that! said...

It's my daughters B'day in a few weeks...I'm stealing your idea :) thanks. I love the spoons... such a simple idea but they look great.

Christy said...

Very cute! I bet there are some great creations from all these fun goodies!

Unknown said...

I love your spin on things. This is darling, colorful, fun, and looks like it will make for the funnest cupcake party... so glad you linked it up. Jenn

Mad in Crafts said...

Thanks for linking up to the Mad Skills party this week!

Anonymous said...

Now this was a great idea that I can use. Thank you. The decorating gave me some great ideas too. I know why this is a big hit!


Nichole Carter said...

Super cute! Newest follower from Mingle Monday's. Hope to see you at my blog sometime soon!

Nichole @

Libby said...

What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Kara @ Mine for the Making said...


Kara @ mine for the making

Unknown said...

very cute! i love those tins i have a few maybe i should use for little ladys dessert table following from mingle monday!

Kaelin said...

Love your blog! Following from Follow Me Back Tues

Christa @ Little Us said...

OMG so cute!! I'm going to have to bookmark this for my little man's first birthday!

I'm following you now from Follow Me Back Tuesday!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

super! this looks so festive! great idea!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the follow and I'm follow back. Cute blog!

Karen @ The Mommy Times.

Jill said...

I LOVE this! What a great idea!!
Thanks for visiting my blog - I'm following you back now - and really looking forward to checking out more of your creativeness!

Have a great week!

Jill @ Creating my way to Success

maisondemarrakech said...

hiya ,
I love your colourful blog:o)
And your designs are awesome. Really unique and original.
I'm your latest follower from FMBT.
Please follow me back...
Many thanks and have a great day!
Fashion & Decor designer

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said...

I love the scrapbook paper you used, very cute.

~*Cee*~ said...

Love that idea!! You're so creative!

I'm a new follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday!

annies home said...

Lori it is so very cute

Erin said...

I LOVE this! So darn clever!!!

Sassy Sites! said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! What a fun party that would be!! :)

Ginger said...

Cute! What a great party idea! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

And link up all you want for more chances to win 30 days FREE ad space!

mle said...

Wow! so much yummy goodness & cuteness!!

Nicki Woo said...

Soooo pretty! I just want to do it to see the pretty!

Wendy said...

I'm just gonna say, "You're amazing!"

CraftyMummy said...

This is such a cute idea! I love the ribbons on the icing tubes to tie them into the other decorations.

Elisabeth said...

This is so cute. Two questions, what did you use to drill the holes in the spoons as well as the top of the lids?

Also, where do you get the See & Store magnetic stands? I've seen them used to scrapbooking supplies and I thought that was a great idea, too.


Anonymous said...

Elisabeth, the See & Store containers were given to me, but they sell them at craft stores. Michaels, Hobby Lobby, those types of places :) I used my Crop-A-Dile to punch the holes in the tops of the spoons. Hope that helps!

Sachiko said...

They are sooo cute! Thank you for sharing your idea at Tea Rose Home link party!

roberta_mac said...

I love this idea! I have some of those containers I got from Target's Dollar Spot, I may have to do this, thanks for sharing!

Jenn Seratt said...

I'm a cake decorator and have been getting so many requests for cupcakes lately. What a great idea for kids and grown-ups alike.

I'm a new follower! I hope you visit me at

Unknown said...

This looks like so much fun! Very pretty and colorful as well.

Unknown said...

Hi I’m following you from Friendly Friday Follow. Stop by and visit me healthy living & a balanced you at Have A Wonderful Day….

Becca said...

This is so amazing! I am in love with all your attention to detail! I will be featuring this tutorial on BCD with your button back to your blog on Aug. 30th! Thanks for linking!


Robin Ange said...

Can I come to your party? I love the little spoons. Thank you so much for linking up to Upcycled Awesome.

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...


Nikki said...

GENIUS!!!! Thanks so much for linking it at gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

beth kruse custom creations said...

wow! very cute and fun!

Anonymous said...

You are one creative cookie~or shall I say cupcake? :o) I love all the colors and did an awesome job! Thanks for sharing at It's Party Time Thursday at PonyTails&FishScales!

TheVirginiaHouse said...

Love this! I featured your Lap Tray on this weeks We Can Do It Cheaper! Thanks so much for linking up!

Jennifer said...

Stopped by from the BassGiraffe Thursday Blog Hop to check out your site. You are seriously talented. I can't imagine even making one this so cute!

Come visit me at to find great deals for your family OR at http://giveawaysandgoodies to find great giveaways or link-up your giveaways.

Kat @ Black Kats Design said...

Yum! What a clever and yummy project. Can I come over for ice cream?!

Thanks for linking up to the “Cheap Thrills Thursday” party at Black Kats Design. I hope you had fun and will join in again next Thursday!


Sara Neufeld said...

oh my mercy! that is ADORABLE!

Unknown said...

What a great idea!! I love this for cupcake decorating and for an ice cream sundae bar! My daughter is having a Halloween slumber party and I'm going to copy this one for it. Thanks so much for sharing this.

Stopped by from Fingerprints on the Fridge.

~~ The Speckled Dog

Colette said...

Very new to "blog hopping" and I found you within link, within a link, within a link!! AND... I'm so glad I kept hopping because I **LOVE** your blog! AMAZING ideas, very creative! I am your newest follower! :)

Thanks for the inspriation!

Cara@HomespunKitchen said...

Such a CUTE idea, great job!! Found you from Fingerprints on the Fridge, would love to have you stop over sometime!


P.S. Becoming a follower too!

Staci J said...

I featured your cute cupcake decor project on my blog today, come grab a button if you'd like;)

Stephani said...

Cute idea!

Thanks for linking up on Crafty Friday!

Unknown said...

oooohhhh! Very cute! I love the bright colors you used!

Thank you for linking up at

Its A Blog Party said...

Thanks for linking up!

Susan @ Oh My! Creative said...

Great party idea - very cute!

Party and Entertaining Inspiration

Inspired Gal {Crafts} said...

Love your blog. You hopped on mine and followed and I've gladly reciprocated - your content is inspiring! Looking forward to more posts! :0)

AUDRA said...

How fun is that!
Great job!

Crystal said...

This is so fun and just adorable! My kids would just LOVE this. Decorating cookies and cupcakes are always fun but I'm pretty sure this makes it even better!

Chari at Happy To Design said...


What an awesome idea! So practical and pretty! I love how you decorated each container with the pretty scrapbook papers! I love, love, LOVE this great idea!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us for the Sunday Favorites party...such a treat!!!

Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Hi Lori. This is such a fantastic idea! Love it! I'll be featuring this today. Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase party! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Sarah @ The Pumpkin Patch said...

Su cute!!! I love this idea and your new header (at least I think it is new)! Sorry I wasn't able to admire your work last week. I was out of town. Thanks for linking to Transform Tuesday!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I love this idea and LOVE the ribbon choices. Thanks so much for linking up. Come back by and get your featured button. Ill post tomorrow.

Holly Lefevre said...

That is brilliant. What a great way to keep those little bowls and containers from sliding around. LOBE it. You are so clever.

brandon and jakell said...


Crafty Mommy Diva said...

Wow this is amazing - such a cute idea. I'd love if you linked this on my Scrappy Saturdays tomorrow.

Amber D said...

What a great idea! I would have never thought to alter them that way!

Ashlee Marie said...

SO cute! What a fun way to have a cupcake bar! All the color's and fun! I bet it was a huge hit!

Angela Cooling said...

I am in love with this idea!!! Please help with anymore bright ideas you have and come check out my post!!!

Crafty Mommy Diva said...

Thanks so much for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays. Featuring this tomorrow on my Friday Favorites!

Sarah said...

very cute idea! I might be using this one....

LaVonne said...

Very cute! Love it.

Visiting from Dandelion Wishes. You are the Queen :)
