Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop!

WANDERING WEDNESDAY is up!  Thanks for hanging in there with the changes going on here on my blog.  Hopefully by the first of next week everything will be finished and back to even better than normal :)

Welcome to the Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop I co-host with Jessica @ Inspiring You to Save.

We hope that you will join in on the fun of meeting new people through the blog hop :)

Want to join in on the fun? Here's all you have to do:

1. Become a follower of Paisley Passions AND Inspiring You to Save

2. Add our Wandering Wednesday button on your blog somewhere or link back in some way :)

3. Link up. Have fun. Visit other blogs. Make new friends.

As easy as 1, 2, 3!


  1. In appreciation to you, please visit my blog to claim your Blogger Appreciation Award. Thank you!

    ~Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
    The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

    PS: Will play later your meme later.

  2. Hi, and thanks for hosting. I'm following!

    I've included a link to your hop on my site - there's a page devoted to hops for every day of the week. Go to the top of my sidebar for links to these pages:
    Blog Hops For Every Day Of The Week!
    Help make the world a better place!,
    How to help earthquake/ tsunami victims in Japan

    BTW - I promised to donate $2 to Japan relief efforts for each new Google Friend Connect Follower of my blog during the month of March! Thanks to those who followed, I donated $200.

    Thank you, and have a great week!


  3. Already following. Thanks for hosting great linky!

    Have a wonderful day!

    Jennifer @ http://justpeachyindixie.blogspot.com

  4. Good morning!

    Thanks for hosting the blog hop! I love linking up and being able to check out what others have been up to.

    I follow both blogs via Google Reader!

    Come check me out at http://miscellaneousme.wordpress.com



  5. Hi!I'm already a follower:-) I just wanted to say again thank you so much for hosting this blog hop!!!
    Have a nice day:-)

  6. Following from the hop :)

  7. Thank you so much for your work to help us share our passions!

    Amber @ barbwired

  8. Hi! I'm a new follower - and I've linked up to the hop. Thanks for hosting! I put the button at the bottom of my post, just below my signature ;)


  9. Hi :) Just wanted to let you know that your blog hop has been added to the Time4Mommy Community Directory. You can find it here: http://favs.time4mommy.com/wednesday-blog-hops.html ...If you would like to add/edit a picture, description or the title, just let us know!

  10. Hi there! :) Just added a link to your blog hop on my brandnew craft blog- gingersnapcrafts.blogspot.com

    What a fun idea! :) Thanks for hosting!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)