Monday, March 28, 2011

Peeps Wreath


Wow!  I can't believe it is almost 1:00 PM and I am just now getting around to posting!  It has been a CRAZY morning!  I am a little behind on life because I spent the weekend with my gal pals at a Scrapbook Expo.  It was a WONDERFUL weekend of good times, but now I am back to reality and trying to catch up on life!!!

This week I am going to share my April wreath.  Remember how I said I wanted to do a new wreath every month?  Well, so far, so good.  Want to see my other wreaths so far this year?  JANUARY WREATH, FEBRUARY WREATH, MARCH WREATH.  Click on the months you want to see and it will link you over to the posts :)  Which one is your favorite???

Ready to see my April wreath???
Hanging with my Peeps ;)

I started out by buying 3 boxes of Peeps.  I let them sit on the tray for a few days to get hard.  Then at the Dollar Store, I found the three wreaths.  The total cost for this wreath was under $5.  LOVE THAT!!!

I don't know why, but I found this a bit disturbing. . .I could actually add hot glue to the back of the hard Peeps, and it didn't melt them.  The whole time I was thinking, "And I actually eat these?  They don't even melt with HOT glue!  How does my body digest them?"  :)

VOILA!  My finished Peeps wreath! 

I will be PARTYING HERE this week!  Come back and join my parties too!  Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop, Thrilling Thursday Linky Party, and Fun w/Food Friday Linky Party. 


  1. Awww, this is too cute! I ♥ Peeps...but yeah, makes ya think huh? lol

  2. Those are so cute! It is a little gross that the hot glue didn't do anything to them, but Peeps'll still be on my Easter shopping list. You can't do Easter without them. Thanks for sharing.

  3. hiya visiting from sharing monday and your newest follower too x your wreath is just fab and dont bother eating those bunny things again just come up with more ways to craft with them .lol
    tfs and hope you can visit me someitme

  4. hiya visiting from sharing monday and your newest follower too x your wreath is just fab and dont bother eating those bunny things again just come up with more ways to craft with them .lol
    tfs and hope you can visit me someitme

  5. This is the FIRST thing I've ever seen Peeps are GOOD for! Very Cute!

  6. This is so cute! The only problem is I dont think I could keep from eating them before putting them on the wreath...thanks for posting on my linky party, hope you come by next week!

  7. I love how much length of the door a triple wreath takes up. Nice work.

  8. That is so incredibly cute. I would never have thought of that in a million years. ~~Sherry~~

  9. I love it! It's so cuteeee! Enjoy your party!

  10. I love it! It's so cuteeee! Enjoy your party!

  11. Very cute! I'm kinda glad I don't like to eat peeps..BUT... they sure are cute! I might have to make one of these!

  12. Awww..this is sooo.. cute! Loved it!
    Am your newest follower now. Please, visit my decor blog..!:)

    Have a lovely day ahead!

  13. oh my gosh... this is truly gorgeous!! wow!! wow!!

  14. HA! Whooda thunk it? Peeps on a wreath! Love it! Come link it up if you have time! Tuesday Time Out Link Party link is below!

    Reasons To Skip The Housework
    Tuesday Time Out Link Up Party

  15. This peeps wreath is too cute!!!!!!!! I love peeps, but dont like how they taste, and now I know how to use them!!

    I am a super new blogger and am having my very first link party today and would love for you to post this or any of your other awesome blog posts!! My blog is!!

    Talk to you soon!


  16. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I'm totlly doing it!

  17. Too Cute! It makes me smile so big to look at them!

  18. Hello! New follower from blog hop. Would love for you to follow back :-)

    snodgrassfelicia at gmail dot com

  19. I agree slightly worrying about the Peeps! Gorgeous wreath though.

    Just popping by from Wandering Wednesday, I'm following.

    Shirl x

  20. Now that is a good use of peeps (since I hate eating them!) I'm a new follower via Wandering Wednesday. Hope you'll visit my blog too.

  21. I LOVE this! Its PERFECT for you to Link up at my Linky PAR-TAY,

    Whassup Wednesday!!!

    And I have a party button you can grab so your friends can come too:)



  22. LOL, I came over to check this out just because of the title! :] It's super cute... very Easter-y!

  23. They look sooo cute! I don't think we have 'peeps' here in Australia, but it is a bit worrying that you eat something that doesn't get melted by hot glue!! Best not to think about it too much!! :)

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  24. What a sweet little wreath, very cute and fun. :)

    Tnx so much linking up again this weekend!

  25. Cute idea! My mom and I are looking for this years' Easter craft, and we were highly considering a wreath. This is a cute one! Thanks for sharing!

  26. How cute! The only problem I would have is that my family LOVES stale peeps...they would eat them all!

  27. Super cute! Might have to make this for my mom she's obsessed with peeps!

  28. Ha ha! Hanging with my Peeps. Funny. :) This turned out so cute. Thanks for linking up!

  29. What a cute idea- this is darling! Thanks for sharing at FNF! :)

  30. Love the Peeps wreath! It is a little scary that hot glue did nothing to the peeps! Thanks for linking up to Creation Mondays @ ~The Life of Me~!

  31. It's so colorful and says, "Spring is HERE!". Thanks for linking up with Sweets This Week.

    Have a great rest of your Sunday.


  32. This is sooo stinkin cute.. and delicious! I wouldn't know whether to hang it or EAT it! Adorable! Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party!

  33. Oh how fun! Thanks for linking up to Friday Favorites last week!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)