Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Blog Swap w/ Handy Man, Crafty Woman

Hi everyone! I am excited to be swapping with Laurie over at Handy Man, Crafty Woman today! She has a great post to share with us! I don't know about you, but I was without internet access all day yesterday. We had a winter storm pass through and it messed up my internet connection. Now I feel like I am playing "catch-up" on my blog, emails, and such! Anyway, enough about my life! Let's see what Laurie has to share with us :)

Hi, I'm Laurie from Handy Man, Crafty Woman. Thanks so much to Lori for having us guest post on her great blog! Lori does the best renovation, craft and decorating projects. I am just loving her new kitchen back splash. Paisley Passions is one of the first home blogs I discovered when I first started writing our blog.

My husband Rob and I started our blog in 2009. We have one son, and we live in New England.
We've been married for 13 years, and the house we live in now is the third house we've renovated.

One of our favorite projects in our current home was renovating our stairway. We tore out walls, ripped up carpet, and rebuilt the whole thing! It was a lot of work, but we're not afraid of hard work.

Our first house was built in the 1830s; our second house was built in the 1860s. We pretty much gutted and renovated those two houses inside and out. We tore down plaster, sanded floors, put up new trim, and painted, painted, and painted some more. It's a good thing I have a "Handy Man". Our current house was built in the 1990s. Yes, this time we have a "new" house! However, it was quite a fixer-upper and a challenge.

The yard needed a lot of work, too. Over the summer, we put in a new stone pathway.

Handy Man also built a shed to store some of his tools and yard equipment.

We also renovated our kitchen. We put in new flooring, a new sink, new counters and painted the cabinets.

Yes, that is a "during" picture of our kitchen construction. It was a huge project. You can see more kitchen photos HERE
I love to scrapbook. Rob refinished a kitchen island as a scrapbook table for me.

There is always something to organize around the house, like our pantry.
We also like to share recipes on our blog, like this salad with spiced walnuts. I made this salad, but Handy Man actually does a lot of the cooking.
Thanks so much, Lori, for having me guest post on your blog. I really enjoy reading your blog.

WOW!  What a FUN post!  Thanks, Handy Man, Crafty Woman, for sharing with us today!!! 
REMEMBER!!!  Tomorrow is Wandering Wednesday.
Thursday is Thrilling Thursday.
Friday is Fun w/Food Friday.
Come join in on the fun!!! 


  1. Laurie, Thanks for swapping with me today!!! :)

  2. Very intereresting reading. thx



Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)