Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog Swap w/ Giggles, Glitz, and Glam

Time for another Blog Swap! Today we have a special guest post from Jana at Giggles, Glitz, and Glam.

Take it away, Jana!!!

Hello to everyone here at Paisley Passions! Hi, my name is Jana and I am the author of Giggles, Glitz & Glam. I am a 27-year-old, newlywed, who recently discovered the joy of blogging about crafting! I should go ahead and clarify that the adorable baby on my header is my beautiful niece, we look forward to our own baby but waiting on God's perfect timing!
Random fact, I modeled for the below photo for a photographers conference. Totally out of my element, but I had a blast!

I celebrated a year of marriage in November and work full-time as an Orphan Coordinator for a non-profit organization called Christian Life Ministries. In the spring, we started making Pillowcase dresses for the near 400 girls living in our orphan village in Kampala, Uganda and this is when I discovered the plethora of crafty blogs out there.

I grew to love making the dresses and embellishments as well as viewing all the blogs, so I decided I wanted to dive right into it myself. It started off slow until I discovered how much I really loved crafts and blogging. It first started with wanting to share with people my tutus and then grew to a love of all things crafts! Hopefully in 2011, I will craft a lot more and learn how to make different things.

Here’s some of the stuff I’ve created & blogged about!

As I've already said, I started this because of my tutus so here are a few.

Fun Christmas crafts!

Come check out the fun things I will be making this year especially since I got a new sewing machine for Christmas!!

Would love for you to join me on Tuesday for my linky party, Glam Party!

Thanks for having me Lori!

Thanks for blog swapping with me today, Jana! :)


  1. Whoa! You look beautiful in that snap! Congratulations on being married! :)

  2. Well, you look very comfortable!! Im your newest follower!!

  3. Ooooh! Jana looks like fun. I will have to go discover more.

  4. Nice to meet you. Sounds like a great ministry you are involved in with the pillowcase dresses.

  5. Thanks for all the sweet comments!

  6. You look fab!!

    I'm your newest follower from the hop!


  7. Newest follower from the Wednesday blog hop!
    Cute blog!
    Please visit me:


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)