Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ad Space Winners!

The winners chosen by Random.org for my 3 Month Ad Space Giveaway are:
Comment # 10: Girl In Air
Comment # 59: Petite Hermine
Comment #72: Sarahndipities

CONGRATS!  You will have an ad space on Paisley Passions until June 30, 2011.  I will get your 125X125 ad posted as soon as you send me your button :)   Thanks for entering!!! 


Unknown said...

WAHOO!!! I'm so excited!!! Thanks so much for doing this AWESOME giveaway!! I'll be getting you the button ASAP!!

Anonymous said...

You're welcome, Sarah! Thanks for entering :)

Michell @ Girl In Air said...

Oh how freakin fabulous!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!

petitehermine said...

WOWoowowoww! Thank you!!! :D This is amazing!!!