Sunday, February 13, 2011

Menu Board

Made By Me for Monday!!!

Welcome to another Monday.  Monday is the day where I share my project for the week!!!  This one was kind of fun.  My inspiration?  Well, you see, we have been spending far too much money on eating out.  It usually isn't healthy, and it certainly costs more money than eating at home!  So, I decided that I needed to come up with a way to be a little more organized with my dinner preparations.  

I have been using this menu board for about a month now, and I have to say, IT IS WORKING!  YAY!  Want to see how I made it???

I went to the local Thrift Store, and I found this frame for $3.00.  This is how it looked.  When I bought it, I actually didn't know what I was going to use it for.  Then I had the idea for a menu board.

BEFORE $3.00 Thrift Store Frame
 I painted the frame with a new coat of a metallic green color.  It actually looks a lot brighter green in these pictures than it looks in real life.
Metallic Green Paint
 I took the back off of the frame, and covered it with some PAISLEY scrapbook paper :)  Then I took my handy dandy Crop-A-Dile and punched holes in the sides.  I threaded some leather cord through the holes and tied it at the ends.

Covered with paper and leather cording.

 Then I put the back onto the frame and stapled it so it would be tight.  I made some cards that I stamped the days of the week on and laminated.  This way I can write what we are having for dinner on the cards and then erase them and write a new week of dinners the next week.  No hassle.  No mess!

Laminated days of the week

Small clothes pins that I added a strip of paper to with Mod Podge and topped off w/some bling!

I added "Menu" at the top with vinyl lettering

Then I hung them in order by day of the week.
A coat of paint and a little imagination, and VOILA! a brand new menu board!!!

LINKING UP HERE this week :)  

***Don't forget to come and join in on my Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop, Thrilling Thursday Linky Party, and Fun w/Food Friday Linky Party this week!***


  1. Love that green! Great job it looks amazing!

  2. Love this! Gonna save this for my idea folder. LoL

  3. Oh my gosh...I want this...i could use this...Great job!

  4. Love this idea...what a great way to keep organized!

  5. I really love that concept. I'm getting ready to paint/redo my cupboards . . I wonder if I could incorporate this right into a cupboard door . . .

  6. This looks great - what a good job you did. I have a frame like that that I didn't know what to do with. Now I am inspired to make one myself.

  7. I want it, or atleast one like it!

  8. Love this! I've been trying to come up with the perfect idea for my own menu board and you just added some pieces to my puzzle for sure. I want to print out the recipes our family uses the most and laminate them, then put each one up under the day of the week we're having it. There are three cooks in our house, hence the need for the recipe cards. I'm saving this in my inspiration folder, thank you for sharing such great ideas!

  9. I adore this board! I love the colors and the layout AND the idea!! Everything is great! I'm putting this in my idea file!

  10. I love that! I need that for my house. I have been trying to do better with my meals too.

  11. I love the shape of the board! You are very creative with the cards... great job!

  12. This is so cute, what a fun idea! :D It looks lovely! :)

    Tnx so much for linking this up at my party too! :D

  13. I love it. A great choice of colours too :-)

  14. Saw you at Keeping it Simple.

    I can not believe that is what this looked like BEFORE! Love the menu board and how each day is clipped on with a little clothespin. Super cute!

  15. Such a neat twist on a menu board. I love it! {Crop o diles are awesome!}

  16. Ohhhh, I like. Hummm, I just might do something like that ;)

  17. This looks fantastic! I've seen lots of menu boards around, but this one is that bit different! Well done! I love the metallic green - and that each day is on a different re-useable card!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  18. We eat out way too much too! Wow I love your invention. It is beautiful! Hopefully it will make yall eat IN more :)

  19. 2 CUTE! I absolutely love the color combination you chose -- in fact, when you get tired of it, it matches my kitchen perfectly!

  20. This is awesome, loved the idea..We would be excited if you could link it on our DIY carnival on this link?

  21. What a great idea and I love the colors you chose!

  22. Ive seen a lot of menu boards, but this one is the cutest by far! Thanks for sharing! :)

  23. I'm always looking for menu board ideas and this is sooo cute! saving it in my inspiration file :)

  24. That looks great. I love the different lines and that color is very pretty.

  25. That looks great. I love the different lines and that color is very pretty.

  26. Whoa! I really love this! What a cute idea!

  27. Love this! The color is great and would look great in my kitchen! :) I would love for you to link up to my Ten Buck Tuesday link parties!

  28. Too Cute! And I love the green! Awesome Job!

  29. That is really neat! I love it! So different than the other menu boards I've seen! Thanks for sharing at Anything Related!

  30. Awesome! What a clever idea. Thanks for sharing!

  31. The Treasurista said...
    Hop on over to the Party! Would love for you to link-up @

    The Treasurista
    Finding and Creating FUN things...

  32. What an easy way to have it all laid out for the week. I love this and thanks so much for linking it up to my party. That is actually my Ten on Tuesday linky though, but I would love it if you came back for the Saturday Swagger party! :-)

  33. Lori this looks amazing. So much better than mine which just hangs on the fridge. I wish I had space for something like this in my home. Thanks for linking up to Creation Mondays @ ~The Life of Me~!

  34. This is the cutest menu board that I have seen! I love anything that has to do with organizing!

  35. LOVE this!!! Love for you to Link it up at Whassup Wednesday!!!


  36. That is so cute. I'm hosting We're Organized Wednesday through Saturday and would love for you to join the party.

  37. This is such a cute menuboard. I have been contemplating making my own, but I just never managed to come up with the perfect solution for our family. Yours might actually be it.
    Thank you for sharing.

  38. LOVE THIS!!! It's a little different than the ones I've been seeing around. Thanks so much for linking up :)

  39. Tnx for linking this up again at my party! :)

  40. Love the colors! It would totally go with my kitchen. Love that it goes in a zig zag too - so fun! Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays! Featuring this later today!

  41. Very nice!! Looks a lot better than my print out on the frig.

  42. GREAT job on this project! I love how it is beautiful and practical! I shared this post on my Friday Favorites post today. Thank you for the inspiration!

  43. Brilliant! I need to do something like this because we eat out too much too. Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday.

  44. LOVE this! I am inviting you to enter to win a Starbucks gift card on my site.

  45. This ia adorable. I so need one of those. You are so creative.

  46. Absolutely love this menu board. It's so fantastic. Come link up at I Made It! Monday at Ninth Street Notions.

  47. Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday. I hope you can join the party again in 2 weeks.

  48. What a great idea, my family would love it if I did this! Thanks so much for linking up to Beyond the Picket Fence.

  49. Love it! I am loving this metallic paint lately too!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  50. So cute! Love the color..could definitely use this in my house! ;)

  51. what a fun menu board! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  52. I love this because it looks like you could fit breakfast, lunch, and dinner on this board. {mine only fits dinner}...

    I think I will be tossing this post in the idea file...

    Thanks for linking to Creative Juice! Hope to see you back this Thursday.


  53. Oh,this is fabulous! I love how you put the little clipboards for each day! Love it, love it, love it! Thanks for linking up!

  54. It turned out so cute! I am featuring this on hoo's got talent! Thanks for linking up!

  55. Hello Lovely! I featured this today!


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