Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Blog Swap with A Little Knick Knack.

I am SO happy to FINALLY get Meg from A Little Knick Knack over here on my blog to swap! She has had to put up with A LOT from me to finally get this post on here! First of all, I had a computer crash, so I didn't reply to her for AGES! Then, we finally got the swap scheduled and her HTML went to my spam box, so I didn't think she sent it. SHEESH!

Thanks, Meg, for hanging in there and swapping with me today!

You are all going to LOVE her blog!!! Show her some love and check her out.

Here's what Meg has to share with us today :

Hi all! I'm thrilled to be here at Lori's blog! She is so kind and creative. I love checking out her site everyday. My name is Meg and I'm A Little Knick Knack! I love to offer you guys fun ideas, reviews and giveaways. I'm having TWO this week, so I hope you can come check them out. And, I host a weekly link party on Fridays called, Everything but the Kitchen Sink, where the rules are---there are no rules! I'd love for you to join!

A Little Knick Knack

Want a fun Valentine's Day idea? Well, I don't usually make a fuss over V-day, but I thought my girls would get a kick out of doing a little tea party with their friends. Then, I could wash my hands of the whole thing and call it good. So, we invited a few friends over for some festivities. We decorated paper hearts, played dress up, and ate a yummy lunch. It was lots of fun and I think the girls had a great time!

Our friend came all decked out in a beautiful dress and....

...some 'prom' hair! She looked very cute, so we had a photo shoot.

Then we moved on to decorating our paper hearts. The girls really got into it and came up with some fun little designs!

The dining room was super fun to decorate. I went nuts at the $1 Store and I think it shows!

After the girls finished their heart decorating, it was time for the tea party! I found these little sticks with foam hearts on the top and the girls used them as their magic wands! They got to take home their plastic cups covered in hearts and each paper plate rested on a lovely heart-shaped doily!

On the menu was heart shaped PB&J, heart shaped cheese slices and heart shaped strawberry slices! And for dessert, Little Debbie heart snack cakes! (I don't know who had more fun with this, the kids or me....I apologize for the pics...this was when I had never heard of good cameras or learned how to take better pics!)
All in all, it was a very successful tea party and we all had a great time!

I hope you had fun at our "tea party!" Stop by soon at A Little Knick Knack to say hello!

A Little Knick Knack

Thanks, Meg, for swapping with me today!!!!


  1. Looks like so much fun. The heart cheese is great! I'm your newest GFC follower.

  2. I am a new follower and joined the wandering Wednesday blog hop!



Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)