Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop

Are you ready for the BLOG HOP?

Before we get started, have you entered the GIVEAWAY I am hosting for Baby Blvd???  She is giving away a $25 gift card to her UBER DARLING Etsy Shop.  Paisley Passions readers can also receive a 10% discount to her Etsy shop by typing in "PAISLEY" at checkout.  What could be better?  Pop on over HERE to enter for your chance to WIN!!!

This is week #16 of the Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop I co-host with Jessica @ Inspiring You to Save.

We hope that you will join in on the fun of meeting new people through the blog hop :)

Want to join in on the fun? Here's all you have to do:

1. Become a follower of Paisley Passions AND Inspiring You to Save

2. Add our Wandering Wednesday button on your blog somewhere or link back in some way :)

3. Link up. Have fun. Visit other blogs. Make new friends.

As easy as 1, 2, 3!

**IMPORTANT** If you would like me to follow you back, PLEASE leave a comment letting me know you are following Paisley Passions. THANKS!***

Paisley Passions

Hope to see you again tomorrow for my Thrilling Thursday Linky Party where YOU can link up YOUR creations, or just stop by to see the creative genius of others :)  Also, don't forget that FRIDAY is Fun w/Food Friday linky party!


  1. Hello! I'm a follower of both blogs now!!

  2. So glad to find you (through twitter)!! Am now a follower (in both places).

  3. Love your blog! The design is great. I'm following you (both blogs)! =)

  4. I'm following you. I'd love for you to come follow my blog. Thanks!

  5. Hi! I have been enjoying your parties this past week. I am following both blogs now. :-)

  6. Of course I'm following!

  7. I'm a follower would love to have you follow back at I'm a mom not a professional. Thanks

  8. I thought I was following you before, but I couldn't find myself! GAAA!!! Signed up to follow you again. :o)

  9. Hello from your newest follower! great blog!

  10. Hello! I am following you Via GFC and Network Blogs! I would love it if you came over to my blog and had a look! There is so many things going on this week! We were accepted into The Blogtastic Extravaganza and I am letting as many people know as possible! Have FUN!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)