Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thrilling Thursday Linky Party!

WELCOME TO THRILLING THURSDAY!!! Features are back this week!!! Here they are in no particular order. . .

Valentine Decor @ Little Eme
Valentine Love Rocks @ The Sweet Spot
Dresser Make-over @Craptastic
Art Wall Gallery @My Decorating Addiction
FREE PRINTABLE Valentine Banner @ My Computer is My Canvas

If you were featured, THANKS FOR LINKING UP AND LINKING BACK TO MY PARTY :)  Feel free to grab an "I Thrilled" button off my side-bar if you would like :)

Can't wait to see what gets linked up this week! Last week I had a RECORD NUMBER of link ups to my party :) YAY!!! Thanks to all of you faithful followers who link up each and every week. I really do notice. There is SO much talent out there. Each of you inspire me everyday!

Don't forget, Friday is my NEW Fun w/Food Friday linky party. Last week was GREAT! Thanks to all of those who participated. I hope that even more of you will come by and link up your food related posts this week. Even if you link up a food related post to Thrilling Thursday, feel free to stop by on Friday and link it up there as well :)


Want to join in on Thrilling Thursday? Well, it's super easy!

1. Become a follower of Paisley Passions.

2. Link back to the party in some way (with my button, a link, a mention on your sidebar, etc)

3. Link up. Have fun. Visit some other links and let them know you found them @ Paisley Passions :)

Thrilling Thursday at Paisley Passions

Remember this party is for: DIY, Photography, Recipes, Sewing Projects, Crafts, Thrifty Finds, Graphic Designs, Scrapbooking, Cards, Paper Crafts, etc. Basically, if YOU have made it, link it up! :)

Linky will be up until Sunday @ Midnight. Have fun!


  1. Hi! I just found your blog and have linked up! Thank you for hosting so many creative ideas. I am your newest follower and will be back to visit. I have a giveaway going on from CSN stores if you have a minute to stop by and enter.
    Glad to have found your blog!

  2. Thanks so much for the linky party! I am giving away some wonderful TapeSwell decorative tape:
    Today is the LAST DAY to enter - this product is terrific!!!

  3. It's been awhile since I've linked up anything. Feels good to be back! Thanks for the link party!

  4. Hey bloggy friend! I'm hopping with you today. ;o) There are some terrific and inspiring projects this week. Can't wait to check them all out...guess the chores can wait. :o) Happy Thursday and thanks for hosting!

  5. Following you from Think of Me Thursday! You can find me at

  6. Thanks you so much for featuring me! It's always so much fun to open a site and see something you made there! :)
    You rock!! :)

  7. Thanks so much for the feature!! All the projects are great!! Can't wait to link up again! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Thanks for hosting Lori. I've been out of the loop for awhile. It's good to be back among such creative ladies.

  9. Thanks for hosting linked up!

    Deb @

  10. Thanks! I thought I would link up this post on all the extra old dried up pens that we keep in our drawers.
    I'd love to know if any of your craft bloggers have crafts they can come up for them!!

  11. Thank you for hosting a link party. I just went to do my link party today and saw that we are going to have to pay to host starting next month. So sad.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)