Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thrilling Thursday Linky Party!

Oh my goodness! I am so far behind in life right now! School is kicking my butt, and having my computer issues last week has put me even further behind.

I am happy to say that the new computer has arrived. I LOVE IT! It is my first Mac. I am officially a "Mac" person now. I can't even imagine going back to my old PC.

No features this week. Once again, SORRY! I just need to get caught up on life. I am really hoping that after this weekend I can be back to normal here in blogland AND in the real world ;)

Can't wait to see what gets linked up! Thanks to all of you faithful followers who link up each and every week. I really do notice. There is SO much talent out there. Each of you inspire me everyday!

Don't forget, Friday is my NEW Fun w/Food Friday linky party.  Last week was GREAT!  Thanks to all of those who participated.  I hope that even more of you will come by and link up your food related posts this week.


Want to join in on Thrilling Thursday?  Well, it's super easy!

1.  Become a follower of Paisley Passions.

2.  Link back to the party in some way (with my button, a link, a mention on your sidebar, etc)

3.  Link up.  Have fun.  Visit some other links and let them know you found them @ Paisley Passions :)

Thrilling Thursday at Paisley Passions

Remember this party is for: DIY, Photography, Recipes, Sewing Projects, Crafts, Thrifty Finds, Graphic Designs, Scrapbooking, Cards, Paper Crafts, etc.  Basically, if YOU have made it, link it up!  :) 

Linky will be up until Sunday @ Midnight.  Have fun! 


  1. It's my first time at this party, I linked you on my sidebar because I found the party after I published my post. I'll be sure to mention your party next time I link up. Thanks for hosting and I hope you do find your balance soon.

  2. Dear Lori, thanks for hosting a great party:-)
    Have a wonderful day, hugs Biljana

  3. What a great Linky Party! It's my first time here but now I've grabbed your Linky Party -button so hopefully I'll be back next week.

  4. Thanks for the link party! Thank you also for linking up your party to my link list!
    Good luck with your mac! I love mine! I just got it about a year ago. You will have fun with imovie... I love it!

  5. Welcome to the mac world! I use one at home and work and I'd never go back!

  6. I am participating in the linky party
    Hope you would like to spare a little bit of your time for me sure you will enjoy

  7. thanks a bunch for hosting, have a good night. Jen

  8. Hey Lori, thanks for hosting, and SO SORRY, I linked up my GATOR cake twice, totally forgot I already did earlier, oops. But hey I like the way it looks on there, TWICE, he he.

    Now you have to come see it right?

    Bella :)

  9. Since I have found your site, I have found soooooo many wonderful ideas. Wanted to let you know that I have awarded you with the Versatile Blogger Award. You can read about it here.

  10. I know what you mean about the frustration. Sometimes I think I have my post just right only to have it, or chunks of it, just disappear. I'm not computer savvy enough to know what causes that. Sometimes my links just disappear as well, and I have to reinstate them. I guess that's just part of it, however. Thanks so much for hosting all of your lovely parties.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)