Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Dear Paisley Passions Readers,

Just wanted to let you know that I have had a computer crash and been having some Internet issues. UGH! NOT GOOD!

My new computer finally arrived, the Internet is FINALLY working properly, and hopefully all will be well by tomorrow! YAY!

If you have emailed me in the last couple of weeks, or commented and are waiting on a reply, PLEASE be patient. I am not ignoring you, I PROMISE! It is just going to take me a while to get caught up on everything. Hopefully things will be 100% back to normal and I will be all caught up on my replies by next week :)

Just a reminder, tomorrow is Wandering Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you stop by.

Thanks for understanding!


  1. Oh, I know that it such a pain! Hopefully that won't happen again any time soon!

  2. Isn't technology fun! Glad to hear you're up and running again. :-)

  3. Gosh, I hate computers...but unfortunately love them. So sorry you have to endure that!

  4. Hopefully you don't mind that I took the button. Its definitely better than the one I had.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)