Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fun With Food Friday

WELCOME to the VERY FIRST Fun with Food Friday!!! I am super excited about this! I have been in a cooking slump, and I really need some help getting out of it. So, I thought, what better way to find fun and amazing recipes and food tips than to start hosting a weekly food linky! Hence, Fun with Food Friday was born!

I have a special guest today that I want to spotlight. Have you ever been over to Sanctified Spaces and checked out her blog? Kamakshi has some fun and exciting recipes that she shares over on her blog. She is from India and so if you are in the mood to try out some authentic food from India, pop on over and check out her blog. Super fun and interesting recipes!

Here are a couple of her favorite foods: (Click on the links below to see full recipes)
This is called Tiruvadirai Kali and Kozhambu
CLICK HERE for Recipe

This is called Thiruvadirai Kali
CLICK HERE for Recipe

It might be fun to host a party and try out some of these new and fascinating recipes! :) Thanks Kamakshi for sharing them with us today!!!

Should we get this party started? I can't wait to see what gets linked up!

Remember FOOD RELATED posts only please. If you want to link up a craft, DIY, or other creation, scroll down to Thrilling Thursday and link up :)

Wanna link up? Here's all you have to do:

1. Become a Paisley Passions follower.
2. Link back to the party in some way.
3. Have fun! Visit some of the other links and leave them a comment or two! We all love comments!

Food Friday at Paisley Passions

Linky party will be open until Monday at midnight :)


  1. Wow! Yummy thiruvaadurai kali.

    I am on cloud nine to see Indian recipes making it to blogosphere in a big way. 3 cheers..

    Thanks for hosting this party. I am more into sewing & crafts in my blog, but will post whatever yummies i end up making at this party...

  2. Oh this sounds like fun! I love to cook. Thanks for hosting the party. Stop by to check out my blog.

  3. Oh.. lovely!! such a fun party! but Im no good at cooking!

  4. Thank you so much for hosting Fun With Food Friday!! :-)

  5. New follower! Thanks for inviting me! I put your button on my side of the blog so I'll remember to link up each week, thanks!

  6. Hey, thanks for the invite!

    Your blog is so colorful and cheery. Love the design. I'm following you now and look forward to future linkups.

    I host a Meatless Monday linkup each week. If you have any meatless posts come on over and add them!

    Midnight Maniac Meatless Mondays

    ♥ Rebecca Jean
    Midnight Maniac

  7. Love the recipes! I am a new follower!
    Feel free to stop by my blog

  8. Immuna looooove following YOU!! MMM MMM MMM!

    Following from the weekend blog hop on

    Please come see me at


  9. Stopping by from the Bee Friendly Friday Follow!
    I hope you'll come by my blog!

  10. Thanks for the invite!! I am excited to have found you! Now following and off to look around!!

  11. Hi Lori,
    I awarded you the stylish blogger award on my site. Stop by to accept if you have time.
    Sweet T Makes Three

  12. This sounds great! So many good recipes...when you work you need simple, creative ideas. Thanks for hosting this party!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)