Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thrilling Thursday Linky Party & News from a Sponsor! YAY!

Thrilling Thursday!!!! YAY! I can't wait to see what you have made this week :) There are already some Christmas projects floating around out in blogland. . .it just doesn't seem possible that Christmas is just around the corner! WOW! Where has this year gone?

I just want to pass along some info from my sponsor, The Life of Me. Sasha has a SWEET deal going on right now. She is offering FREE SHIPPING on her card kits now through November 26th. With Christmas coming up so quickly, card kits are something we all need! What a great way to save some money and get a head start on your Christmas card making!  Pop on over to The Life of Me to check out how absolutely DARLING these kits are.  You will be glad you did!

Now on to this weeks 5 fantastic features for Thrilling Thursday!  Here are the links that THRILLED last week :)
YUMMY Orange & Cranberry Bagels @ From Apples to Zucchini

Fun Gift in a Jar Idea @ Sassy Sites

DELICIOUS looking Halloween Snack Mix @ Ain't She Crazy

Altered Soap Dispensers @ My Scrapbook Life

Toilet Paper Roll Turkey @ A Glimpse Inside
For those of you who were featured, feel free to grab an "I Thrilled on Thursday" featured button off my sidebar.  Thanks for joining the party and thanks for the inspiration!

On to Thrilling Thursday!  :)  

Want to join in?  Here all you have to do:

1.  Become a follower of Paisley Passions
2.  Add my button to your blog post or link back to the party in someway.
3. Link up.  Have fun.  Visit some of the other posts and tell them you found them at Thrilling Thursday!

Thrilling Thursday at Paisley Passions

Now let's get to linking!  
Remember, this party is for: DIY, Thrifty Finds, Crafts, Scrapbooking, Sewing Projects, Photography, Digital Designs, Recipes, Etc.  Basically, if YOU have made it, link it up!  :)


  1. Thanks so much for featuring me, Lori! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with this week!

  2. YAY!! Thanks for the feature of my Gift in a Jar! :) I'll add your button to my blog! xoxo!

  3. Hey Lori, Thanks again for hosting. I love your parties. This week I linked up about my ~~PINEAPPLE PLANT~~, my ~~BUBBLE BUTT~~, and my ~~HALOWEEN PARTY~~, hope you can swing by and check them out. THANKS again, Bella

  4. Thanks for hosting! I wish I would have done the blogging stuff the last couple of Thursday - otherwise, I definitely would have linked up. This is probably one of my favorite places to link up and see what everyone has been up to. :)

  5. I am so grateful you are hosting this. I needed inspiration and have found several projects to keep me busy. Awesome link up. You are on my sidebar :)

    Saved By Love Creations

  6. Lovin' this hop! I see I'm not the only one with pumpkin on the brain :) Can't wait to check out the others...

  7. Loved the crafts and ideas you posted. Joined you hop. Now following you.

    Karen @

  8. I just wanted to say "hi." I'm a new follower from the Cornucopia of Blogs Hop! :)

    Tamara from
    a southerner, a yankee and a mixed breed (or two!)

  9. Lori, I'm a new follower from the Cornucopia of Blog Hop...congratulations on being the featured hostess this week. I'm sure I'll enjoy following you because we seem to like a great many of the same things. :) I see you're a scrapbooker too....something I love to do and wish I could spend way more time doing! Now to browse around your place for awhile. :)

  10. Following from the cornucopia blog hop! Hope you'll stop by and visit my blog in return :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)