Friday, November 19, 2010

Perfect Home

A friend and I went to see the movie: Life As We Know It.  I loved the movie.  It was corny and predictable, yet, heartwarming and fun.  If you haven't seen it, it is probably worth seeing.

Anyway, during the movie, I became infatuated  OBSESSED with their house.  Honestly, if there were such a thing as a perfect home for me, this would be it!  I LOVE it!

After the movie, I came home and did some digging to find pics of the house to share.  I also discovered that the home is for sale, and if I had a mere $1.5 million dollars laying around, that the home could be mine.  Oh, man!  If only I could win the lottery!  Haha!  Or, if anyone would like to donate to my cause of buying the perfect home, I would gladly accept donations.  Ha!  :)

Here are some pics:
Front of House
Family Room
Front Room
Breakfast Nook

Master Bath
The Real Kitchen
Kitchen Used in the Movie
Screened Porch
Back of House
 I wish I could pack my bags and move in TODAY!  Oh, if only.  Oh well, at least I can take some of the ideas used to decorate this perfect house and implement them in decorating my own home.  Then I can pretend that I have a house as perfect as this one ;)

If you are looking to link up to Thrilling Thursday and share your creations, the link is still open, CLICK HERE to join in.  The link will remain open until midnight on Sunday.



  1. Hi I am a new follower from friday Blog hops... Love your thrilling Thursdays and can't wait to join up next week! Love your post about the dream home!!! ahhh to only have that much money!!! But hey, dreams is what keeps us motivated. right?? Stop by sometime and see my Christmas designs!

  2. hi, new follower from ace & friends blog hop.. have a great weekend!

  3. Good God... their "breakfast nook" is the size of the entire downstairs of my house! I'll cross my fingers for your lottery win. :)

  4. That is such a dreamy house! Look at the size of that master bathroom! I love that screened porch too.

    I found you through a Friday blog hop :) Looking forward to reading more from you!

  5. Thanks for the follow @ Life as a Wife! I appreciate it and am now following you back! Happy weekend!

  6. Hello I'm new here to your blog and just joined Thrilling Thursdays.Come by my blog sometime. Have a great weekend, ooooh and a new follower as well.
    I love the house, I would decorate by painting the walls a bright color.
    Lisa xx

  7. I'm also coming via friday blog hops.
    See you again soon.

    Lisa xx

  8. I came over to follow from Ace and Friends co! What a beautiful home!

  9. My goodness, yours is one of the best blogs I've seen yet! I bookmarked your page of blog hops available. I will refer to it each time I want to hop on a blog. What great resource you're offering to folks. :)
    And I too, LOVE that house!!

    anyway, following you from the Thanks, Mail Carrier, Friday blog hop today.
    I'm Tari over at
    I hope to one day have a blog as aesthetically pleasing and entertaining as your blog.
    Thank you for inspiring us.


  10. I have to agree with you this was a great movie! My husband and I went to see it and I loved it. Of course he said it was good but a "chick flick". The house is beautiful and I too wish I had 1.5 million laying around to purchase it! Ha, don't we all!

    Kelli @

  11. Gorgeous home. Where is it located? Let me guess, Los Angeles? It's going to rain all weekend, so maybe I'll grab a few BFFs and check out the movie!

  12. Hey a blog hopper! Nice BLOG!

    follow back if you'd like

  13. Hi, stopping by from Saturday stalker and am now following you! Have a good weekend

  14. I agree...this house is gorgeous.

    I love your blog.

    Fellow Blog Hopper:)

  15. Hey nice pictures. Looks like a beautiful house. I just found you on a blog hop and thought I'd stop by. I am your newest follower.


  16. I just saw this movie and had the same reaction to this house. I love it! It is my dream home too... Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)