Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog Swapping with Diary of a Preppy Mom

Happy Tuesday everyone!!! Tuesday on Paisley Passions is Blog Swap day! It is a great way to find new blogs and see the creative genius of other fellow bloggers :) This week is no exception. This week I am swapping with Whitney @ Diary of a Preppy Mom. You are going to LOVE her, and her blog!

Take it away, Whitney!!!

Hi lovely readers of Paisley Passion! I'm Whitney from Diary of a Preppy Mom and I'm so excited to be participating in my first blog swap here today! I love Lori's blog - all the inspiration and the link parties! So fun!

and just like you - my life is crazy!

I met my husband in September 2009, we were engaged 2 months later (actually 58 days!!) married 5 months after that and then 9 months after we said "I do" we welcomed a sweet little honeymoon surprise
into the world!

Since then we've moved from DC to Texas to Florida - my husband quit his job, joined the Navy, left for Officer Training and then started flight school! Then I quit my job and decided to stay home with our little boy!!

I went from designer clothes to spit up covered pj's.

I went from Kate Spade bags to diaper bags.

I went from preppy to poopy.

And I wouldn't have it any other way!!

So that brings us up to today and the whole reason I started this blog! The two hours a day that I get to blog, craft, sew and decorate keep me sane enough to tackle the rest of the day and all the craziness it brings!

You'll find a plethora of things over at Diary of a Preppy Mom!

I have lots of Holiday craft Tutorials ...

Like this Santa's Belly Candy Dish that you can find here.

or these cork reindeer ornaments (with a tutorial here!)

or this repurposed old cabinet door turned Chalkboard here!

I'm absolutely loving the zipper trend and have lots of tutorials for headbands & other accessories!

I even recently made an Antropologie inspired ruffled scarf!
(because let's be honest - who wants to pay $80 for a scarf!?!)

I even pull out some power tools every now and then ....
for this DIY Craft Table!

I've recently opened an Etsy Shop (which I've neglected a bit lately - ahh!)
but will be completely stocked on December 4th - just in time for Christmas!!

I hope that you'll stop by for a visit!
and then maybe stay awhile!

Check out the tutorials & enter some fun giveaways! :)

Thanks so much Lori for having me over!


Isn't she great??? I love her adorable blog! It has some GREAT ideas!!! Thanks Whitney, for swapping with me today!!!

If YOU want to swap with me too, EMAIL ME: paisleypassions{at}gmail{dot}com  :)

Remember to come by on Thursday for THRILLING THURSDAY LINKY PARTY!


  1. Whitney, thanks for swapping with me today!!! :)

  2. Following you from the blog hop. Come Check out my blog!

  3. I love your page so much!! I grabbed your button to post on my 'Spread the Love' page. I know others would fall head over heels with your blog like I did :)

    Hope you'll come visit!



  4. Hi! I'm following you from the blog hop. I'd love a follow back at www.mikaspantry.blogspot.com

  5. Hey! I'm a new fellow preppy follower:) I hope that you can stop by my blog and follow it! I hope that we can trade blog buttons!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)