Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog Swapping with Courtney @ Not So Homemade

I LOVE TUESDAYS! They are the day that I have scheduled for my Blog Swaps. They are a SUPER great way to meet other creative bloggers out there and swap some ideas with them!

Today I am swapping with Courtney @ Not So Homemade. I hope you enjoy her post, and take a minute to pop on over and say hi to her. You will be glad you did!!!

Oh, and if YOU are interested in Blog Swapping with me, let me know!
I still have a few openings in December and January. I will also start scheduling for February if enough of you want to swap. Just email me @ paisleypassions{at}gmail{dot}com with Blog Swap in the subject and we will get you on the calendar! :)

Let's see what Courtney has to share with us today! Take it away, Courtney!

Hello fellow bloggers! My name is Courtney and I'm over at Not So Homemade!

I'm a 21 year old Nursing student. I'm looking forward to graduation in December and being a full-time RN, hopefully working with children.

I started my blog earlier this year and have been so excited to watch it grow! You may wonder where my blog name comes from... Growing up, my mom always said, "If you have to open a box, it's homemade". So, sometimes the things I do may not always be so "homemade" but I still enjoy sharing my tips and secrets to making life a little easier with the "not-so-homemade" route of doing things :)

I have a passion for COOKING,

a love for all things CRAFTY,

a heart for PHOTOGRAPHY,

and a joy for BLOG DESIGN! In fact, I enjoyed designing blogs so much, that I started a design business of sorts. It's a little different in how I do things. I know there's a lot of bloggers out there who would love a custom design, but can't afford the outrageous prices some places charge. So I offer a "trade" where one can trade an item they make or something like that and they get a full blog makeover.

I still live at home with mom and dad until I finish college, so we're pretty close. My mom recently picked up jewelry making and is pretty good, if I do say so myself :) Her stuff was so good, and she sold them for such AMAZING prices (I'm talking, mere dollars!), that I helped her open an Etsy shop, JUST 4 FUN JEWELRY. Check out a few of her things:

I also host a Spotlight Sunday blog hop

And recently started a What's Cooking Wednesday, where you can share your amazing recipes with others :)

A SUPER BIG THANKS to Lori for allowing me to swap blogs with her for a day :)

And thanks for taking the time to read a little about me:) I would LOVE for you to check out my blog, Not So Homemade! Have a fantastic day!

Thanks, Courtney for swapping @ Paisley Passions today!!!


  1. What a great idea a blog swap I would love to participate. Now on to check out Not So Homemade. Thanks - I love learning about other great blogs. I am your newest follower.

  2. oh my!! She is such a bundle of talent.. wow! Its lovely to see young talented people.. really! I'm off to check her blog.. Thanks for this!! :-)

  3. Hey there!
    Just stumbled upon your blog. Just wanted to let you know that I LOVE it! I will be back for more! Thanks for posting!

  4. Hi! New follower from Wandering Wednesday! You can visit me at mymodernguide.blogspot.com


  5. I'm a new follower from the Wednesday hop!


  6. Hey! I hope you have a awesome and safe Happy Thanksgiving!

    I am a new follower :)

  7. new follower from wandering wed. love the blog!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)