Monday, October 18, 2010

Mud Room Shoe Stand

I don't know if it is just my house, but my kids seem to think they can just take their shoes off wherever they want. I find shoes kicked off at the front door, shoes in the entryway, shoes in the family room, shoes in the bathroom. . .you get the idea. It drives me CRAZY!

I decided that I would make a shoe stand that would hold the shoes in the mudroom. The idea is that when kiddos come in the door and through the mudroom, that they will take their shoes off and place them on the shelf. We will see if it actually works :) Here's hoping!

Once again, I forgot to take a BEFORE picture! I am getting bad at that! I just get so excited to start my projects that I forget to snap a before pic. Anywho, this shelf below looks exactly like what mine looked like, except mine only has three shelves on it. I found mine at my local craft store for 75% OFF!!! WAHOO! Gotta love that!

Next I took some paint, some scrapbook papers, some mod podge (I don't know what I would do without the stuff!), and some sand paper. I sanded down some of the rough spots, painted, added the scrapbook paper with mod podge, then cut a vinyl "Welcome" out with my Cricut and placed it on the top shelf.

Super easy. Super fun. Super practical! Now if I can just get my kiddos to actually put their shoes there instead of all over the house, we will be set!

Here is what my Shoe Stand looks like now:So far, so good. The kids have actually been using it! :)

I will be linking up to some of THESE LINKY PARTIES and some of THESE BLOG HOPS this week. Pop on by and show them some love!

Also, don't forget to come by this week for other exciting posts! Wednesday is Wandering Wednesday (a great way to meet new blog friends) and Thursday is THRILLING THURSDAY where YOU get to link up YOUR creations! Can't wait to see what you have been working on this week :)


  1. Found you thru Monday Blog Hops. I love the Shoe Stand. New follower, I love crafft blogs! Hope you can come visit me!

  2. No, its not just YOUR house. Shoes are ALL OVER the place at my house too and it makes me bonkers! And there is only TWO adults and one 8 month Very cute! :)

  3. Thanks for joining Mailbox Monday!
    I'm here to email subscribe but can't find the option!! Please let me know when you add

  4. Love this idea. I might have to try it out and see if it helps here. I have to admit, I am one of the bigger problems with the shoes. At least I only leave them by doors, so I know where they are:) Lindsay and Ryker on the other hand leave them EVERYWHERE and wear about 2 or 3 different pairs everyday because they don't know where they put the last ones they were wearing.

  5. What a super-cute idea. We use baskets to corral them - the trick for me is to remember to make sure the worn out and out grown shoes are removed before the basket starts over-flowing and becoming useless. :)

  6. I've been wanting to design a new boot rack, right now I just have a cheap plastic/metal rod one. I tired of my shoes falling off the slanted rack all the time. This looks like an idea that might work for me. Thanks for the inspiration.

  7. I'm your newest follower from Follow us monday on Frugality is free. You can check out my blog at and learn to save money on organics!

  8. I need to find something similar. Such a fun idea...and I agree about decoupage!

  9. We have shoe overload at my house, I need this!

  10. Cute and functional! I so need one of those.
    Thanks for linking up to Craft Catwalk!
    Featuring this tomorrow :)

  11. I love it! So clever! Yes, too many shoes here too. We currently enter into our kitchen from outside and at any given time, there are twice as many shoes as there are people piled there. ugh! lol Thanks so much for linking your creativity to the DIY Project Parade! ;)


  12. This is fantastic! Shoes have a way of "walking themselves" all over my house... love your solution + would love for you to share this at A Crafty Soiree today

  13. I love these ladder shelves and have been wanting to make one for myself. Very fun use of it. Still looks great, but is functional as well. Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  14. That looks so cute! I also hate the shoe mess! My husband thinks all shoes should be left downstairs in the hall closet! But.. with the small hall closet we have.. I clear them out and make them take them up to their rooms every few days. If I had a huge mud room, that might be different.
    Thanks for linking it to my Organizing Mission Monday link party! I tried to look at your link list and also blog hop link list.. but it told me I had to be invited to see them. Not sure why..
    Maybe because I'm not on blogger anymore and email is yahoo not gmail? I don't know.

  15. A craft store, eh? great idea! I need a better way to store our shoes...they are all over the place and there are only 3 of us! ugh

  16. Hey Lori,
    I am featuring this post on my Organizing Mission Monday tomorrow. Please stop by and pick up the "Proud to be Featured On..." button... (and leave another great post!) Thanks

  17. What a great idea to use the mod podge. Love it. Now following. :)


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