Friday, September 3, 2010


I just want to say thanks to everyone who joined in on my very first Linky Party! WOW! I am shocked and amazed and THRILLED that so many people found me and joined in on the fun.

Be sure to check back next Thursday (or ANY day for that matter!). I will be featuring some of my favorites and will be hosting another party every Thursday from here on out. Mark your calendars! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with :)

Hope you all have a safe and fun holiday weekend.

PS- If you have emailed me with a question or asked me about guest blogging, hosting, or advertising, and I have not gotten back to you, PLEASE email me back. I accidentally had some of my emails deleted (by a child who shall remain nameless, haha) and I don't want anyone thinking I forgot about them :)


  1. Hello I am a new follower from SS. I would love a follow back at

  2. Here from the hop!
    LOVE your header and off to peruse your posts now :)

  3. Come by Sassy Sites today, it's Spotlight Sunday and I think you'll love her! Have a wonderful Sunday. xoxo

    Marni @ Sassy Sites!

  4. I am a little late joining in on the link party, but I've signed up now!... only 3 days late. I will add your Thursday button to my blog hops! xoxo

  5. K. Just kidding, I did join! So, now I guess I've joined twice! I'm such a nerd! haha! I was the second one.. right on time! ;)

  6. Hi! I'm visiting (& following from Sunday Strolling Blog Hop. Have a great Sunday!

  7. I am a new follower from Sunday Strolling. I would love a follow back. Have a blessed Sunday.

  8. I'm going to add your link party to the

    The Fit & Frugal Challenge
    Frugality Is Free

    The Fit & Frugal Challenge

    The Fit & Frugal Challenge

    Thank you for participating in the Sunday Twitter Exchange today, I am already following you on Twitter. I would love it, if you would come join me at Follow Us Monday Morning@ Frugality Is Free.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)