Friday, September 24, 2010

BUSY Week @ Paisley Passions!!!

Things have been CRAZY busy around here! Wow! I am amazed at how quickly this little blog of mine is growing. I LOVE all the followers and comments I get each week. It is so much fun meeting new people and seeing the creativeness of others out here in blogland!

Just a quick overview of what is going to be happening here each week:

Monday: NEW Paisley Passions Projects! Each Monday I will post something that I have been working on.

Tuesday: Blog Swaps/Guest Posts. I have had a lot of people ask me about guest posting or blog swapping, I am going to leave Tuesdays open for this. If you are interested in Blog Swapping or Guest Posting, email me and we will get it on the calendar :) paisleypassions(at)gmail(dot)com.

Wednesday: I am cohosting Wandering Wednesday with Jessica @ Inspiring You to Save. This is a great blog hop to join in on. Our first week out we had almost 100 links! What a great way to meet new people and get more followers!

Thursday: THRILLING THURSDAY! This is one of my FAVORITE parts of the week! I LOVE hosting this linky party to see what YOU have created! I have been amazed at the creativity of so many people who join in!

Friday, Saturday, Sunday: These are my open days. I will post whatever strikes my fancy :)

Also, today I wanted to remind everyone about the 10% off discount code for Paisley Passions readers. It NEVER expires and can be used once a day per email address. How amazing is that???

To see how to get YOUR VERY OWN discount code for read my original post by CLICKING HERE.

Here are a fun few links to Go check out some of the GREAT stuff they have available!!! (Click the links below to check these great items out!)

Home Furnishings
Gift Baskets

Legal disclaimer stuff (as per FTC guidelines):
**All the ideas and opinions expressed are my own. No monetary compensation was received for doing this post, however, I was provided with a discount code.**


  1. I love, Love, Love your blog design its so cute...Long time reader..

  2. Hi! I'm visiting (& following) from Follow Me, Chickadee. Hope you have a great weekend!

    Linda @ Linda's Lunacy

  3. I like the lineup!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I LOVE that we have the same taste in decor! Those curtains are amazing:)
    I'm curious, where did you use yours?

  4. Love that you have organization. I Love your blog.. you always have the most amazing and original ideas. Can't wait to see what else you come up with!

  5. you are busy! enjoying the blog design:)

  6. Visiting from the Over 40 Blog hop.

  7. This is the cutest site.
    Following from boost my blog friday.

  8. I gave you an award over at my birthday blog!

  9. Hello, found you through blog hopping. Wanted to stop by and say hi.

    Feel free to stop by either or both of my blogs and say hello and follow.

    So Stylilized-FREE Custom Blog Designs:

    Jessicas Lil Corner-Our Family Blog:

    Have a blessed Monday!! :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)