Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~Union Pacific


{K} said...

I love that first picture! What a pretty engine.

Julie said...

I love the pictures & your blog is adorable.

I'm a new follower from Wobble Over Wednesday, I'd love it if you followed me back. :)

alicia said...

Great pics! My kids would love this. Thanks for linkin up for WW!

Unknown said...

Awesome pictures! My son LOVES trains!

Danielle said...

Great picture! i'll have to show my son! He's obsessed, to say it lightly!

Kathy Glynn said...

Love the train...where is this?

Bethany said...

My son, Isaac, keeps saying "Mama, see that BIG train!" Great pictures!

Miller Racing Family said...

Happy Wordless Wednesday!
Fabulous Photos!!!
I love the second photo the colors are so amazing. I will have to show my son these photos as he loves trains.
Thanks for linking up and I hope you have a blessed week!

Amanda American Girl said...

wow, great pictures - I am coming from Welcome Wednesday.

I am your newest follower! - Have a nice day!


Jennifer @ Fulfilling and Oddly Minty said...

Your blog is fabulous! I can't wait to follow you.

Yes, where is this? The pictures are amazing.

I'd love for you to follow me back.

filling and oddly minty

Anonymous said...

These pics were taken out in the middle of nowhere ;) Promontory Point,Utah. The site of the infamous Golden Spike.

Apron Senorita said...

GORGEOUS!!! The pictures are adorable. I really enjoyed visiting your blog.

Yoli :)

KyAnn (like Cayenne Pepper, only HOTTER) said...

Great train shots!

Anonymous said...

Nice pictures! That is so cool!

Unknown said...

Cute pictures. Im here from Thursday blog hop.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Toot toot! How sparkly clean the engines are, and sparkly happy the photos portray. Neat.
Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.

Eat To Live said...

Great pictures.

I am following you from Thursday Blog Hop. Hope you can stop over and follow back. Terry

Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters.Net said...

love these shots. trains are so cool - and the colors are so crisp

Cecily said...

Lovely pics! Following from Friendly Friday Follow.

Its A Blog Party said...

Such great pictures!
Thanks for linking up!