Friday, July 30, 2010

One Lovely Blog Award :)

I want to sincerely thank Buzzing the Day Away for passing along the One Lovely Blog Award to my blog!!

It is always fun to get an award for a couple of reasons.  One, it lets me know that there really are people out there who read my blog and look at the stuff I post, and two, the people that do read it like it enough to give me an award.  How fun is that???

In order to "officially" accept this award I must tell seven things about myself and chose nine blogs that I enjoy or inspire me. 

  7 things about little ol'  me:

  1. I am not a chocolate lover.  Imagine that!  I don't hate it (unless it is semi-sweet then I HATE it!) but I don't crave it either.  Strange.  I know.
  2. I have moved three times in the last year.  UGH!  I hope not to move again for a LONG time!
  3. I am a returning college student.  I will graduate with my Elementary Ed degree with an ESL endorsement in December 2011.
  4. I have been a SAHM for 17 years and look forward to working as a teacher when I graduate.
  5. In May I was just awarded a full tuition and fees scholarship that will pay for the rest of my degree.  YIPEE!
  6. I passed the Praxis test on my first try in June!  YAY!  It is a test you have to take in order to be considered a "highly qualified" teacher.
  7. I LOVE to create things.  My mind is always looking at stuff and wondering what I can do to repurpose it or what I can create with it.  
Okay, I am supposed to pass this blog on to 9 other blogs who inspire me or who I read.  How can I do that???  There are just too many!  I have spent the last hour trying to decide on nine and just couldn't.  So, I am giving the award to anyone who reads my blog and comments on this award.  You are all LOVELY and I love all of my LOVELY followers.  You ALL deserve the award. 

Do you think "they" will come and strip me of my award for giving it to more than 9?  Oh dear!  I certainly hope not!  I hope the blogger award police don't show up at my door!  YIKES!  Hahaha!  ;) 

If you decide to snag the award, let me know so that I can pop over and read seven fun things about each of you!  :)

Thanks again to Buzzing the Day Away for the award.  It made my day :)


  1. I'd be honored to steal this award, well thats what it feels like. :) love your crafts!

    already following you, thanks for hopping with me at iFiH today!

    Christy, www.Home♥

  2. Haha! It's not stealing if I gave it to you ;)

  3. Congratulations on your scholarship!! Soooo exciting! :)
    And I totally understand the craziness of moving excessively haha. I've moved 9 times in the last 5ish years (at the end of every spring semester and every summer semester...EXCEPT this past spring!! Yay!!)

  4. Congratulations on your award! I would love one too as I only have 10 followers(its a start).. but you are of course one of them so thank you! I love your blog, you have really awesome and creative ideas. I understand the whole moving thing.. we move every 2 years whether we need to or not.. and each time we move we seem to have more children!

  5. heehee i just wrote a very similar post about an award i received. funny...congrats on the award :-)

    ~ ana

  6. Congrats on the award and congrats on #s 5 & 6!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I'm a new follower of your blog too.

  7. #1 - Say it isn't so!! Well, I guess that means that I just need to eat enought for BOTH of us. :)

    Thanks for following me over from Mingle Mondays. New follower!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)