Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hoo Are You Tuesday?

Here are this weeks questions!
From Leslie over at Night Owl Crafting
1. Have you ever broke a bone or anything on your body?
I have broken my little toe on my left foot 4 different times.  It doesn't seem like it would hurt, but it hurts BAD to break that little baby!  The last time I broke it, I decided not to go to the doctor.  I just decided to wrap it up good and deal with the pain.  About two weeks later it was still hurting so bad that I could hardly walk.  I finally went to the doctor and they had to re-break it and set it.  PAINFUL!

2. What is your favorite drink?
I have two favorite drinks, Evian water and Caffeine Free Diet Coke.  I know decaf diet coke, so boring!  I just found that drinking a lot of caffeine made me jittery and made it so I didn't sleep well at night.  So decaf for me now.

3. When is your birthday! You don't have to tell the year you were born!
My birthday is in September.  September 14th to be exact.  I have always loved autumn time so having my birthday in the fall has always been great.

4. Do you have any allergies?
I have seasonal allergies that seem to get worse the older I get.

5. What is one of your all time favorite movies?
When I was a teen, I thought that The Breakfast Club was the greatest movie ever!  Right now I would have to say that one of my all time favorites would be the Masterpiece Theater version of Jane Eyre.  So good!




1. What is your favorite sandwich?  Turkey and Avocado on whole wheat bread.  YUM!
2. What is stashed under your bed/mattress?  NOTHING!  I hate having stuff under there :)
3. What is your favorite flower? A rose.  Love them.
4. What is your favorite magazine? I am not sure I have a favorite.  I read Runners World a lot though.
5. How often do you weigh yourself? Lately?  Not in over a month!  I have been crazy busy and weighing myself is at the bottom of my to do list :)


  1. I love coke, once in a while I try to be good and I'll drink diet but definitely coke. Visiting from Hoo Are You Tuesdays.

  2. Oh man! I could not even IMAGINE having to RE-Break a bone. I cringed just READING that!!

  3. Your answer to #1 had me cringing, too. Ouch! And I'm with you #4. Nobody told me that my allergies would get worse as I got older. What a crock! lol! Visiting from Hoo Are You!

  4. your newest follower from FMBT. Hope you can stop by.

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  5. Hi Lori! Thanks for the follow!

    And ps: ouuuuchie!!! 4 times!!?? here's hoping its the LAST time! :)

  6. Broken toes stink! I have had to many to count!

  7. Following from Tuesday Tag-Along! Come visit me at www.giveawaysformom.com! While you're there, feel free to enter my giveaways for Boogie Wipes & Cutesie Blog Designs!

    Have a grrrrreat day!

  8. OH now you have my worried with answer 1# because as I said I broke the toe again and i didn't go to the doctors and it is still hurting... but until it stops me getting in to my heels I'm staying away from the doctors .I can work through the pain. and watch you toe... 5 times is not the charm hugs Wendy @ blissangels

  9. Love the blog! Especially the box below! I will be back for sure!


  10. Hi! Visiting from Follow Me Back Tuesday! I love your blog and I am your newest follower. Hope you can stop by my blog as well at www.styleingenuity.com.

    - Shelli :)

  11. I totally cringed at the thought of having to rebreak your toe - OUCH!!!

    Ah The Breakfast Club. So many classic 1 liners in that one.

    Popping over from Hoo Are you - have a great Tuesday!

  12. Take care of those feet. We are rough on our feet but they can be the beginning of major health issues, especially if you break them. My friend had a heart attack after she had a small break. It had gotten infected but she didn't realize it. She was older and I'm not trying to scare you- just reiterating there is a reason a broken foot hurts so much. Hopefully you are done with that phase of your life.

  13. Here's some hope about the allergies. Mine got steadily worse until I went through "The Change", now it has decreased to almost nonexsistant. Hang in there.

  14. I love Evian water as well. =)

    I am your newest follower from Trailing Tuesday's! =]
    I look forward to reading more of your blog! Have a great day!

  15. Hi I am your newest follower from Tag Along Tuesday!

    I look forwards to reading your blog

    Please visit my blog @:

  16. Cute blog design! New follower from Tuesday Follow! Follow me back at Life: Through the Eyes of Monica

  17. Turkey and Avocado? Never heard of that!
    I am so jealous that you don't have anything under your bed! I better go clean under mine! lol

    See you next week!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)