Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hoo Are YOU Tuesday @ Night Owl Crafting

FUN way to get to know other people and their blogs! Thanks to Night Owl Crafting for hosting :)

Q & A:

1. What are some of your pet peeves?
a dirty house, overflowing laundry, when people take up two parking spaces because they park on an angle, mean people, typos.  I am sure I could go on, but I won't!  Don't want to sound like a crazy person!  HAHA!

2. Do you have a favorite or lucky number?
Oh yes!  The number 8.  Ever since I was a little kid.  Don't know why.  It just is!

3. What is one of your family traditions?
We have a family luau celebration the first Saturday in August.  All of our family and friends gather at my parents house for a traditional roasted pig and yummy luau foods.

4. Is there anything you are OC about?
My house.  Can't stand when it is a mess.  Germs.  I carry sanitizer with me at ALL times.

5. What is your favorite kind of food?
Mexican food.  I love chips & salsa.  Guacamole.  YUM!



Tuesday Tag Along is FUN too!

Tuesday Tag-Along



  1. Hi Lori. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for leaving me a comment on my page. Look forward to getting to know a little more about you!


  2. A luau sounds like a super fun family tradition!! Yummmmm, Mexican food. I'm not a big fan of guacamole, but I really like avocadoes. Weird, right? Maybe I need to give guacamole another chance!

  3. Have fun at your luau on my birthday this year!!!

  4. A (belated) thanks for coming by from New Friend Friday! Glad to be a reader of your blog now.

  5. Visiting from Hoo are you Tuesday! I totally forgot to mention about the parking spots. That really bugs me too! Am following you now!
    Joy @ mommaskindacrafty.blogspot.com

  6. I'm a new follower from Tuesday Tag-Along.
    I hope you'll come check me out at PS Mom Reviews and follow me too!

  7. I'm a new follower of Tuesday Tag along. please follow me back.
    Thanks, Mr. Monkey


  8. Following from FMBT. Please follow back :)

    Lucas's Journey with Sensory Processing Disorder

  9. I agree with the two parking spaces and please forgive me if I have typos! I am not the best speller! I love going to a luau with a pig roasting in the pit, I have some family that does that as well! I love all their amazing dances! Thanks for linking up to Hoo are you Tuesdays!

  10. Hello! Thanks for tagging along at this week's Tuesday Tag-Along blog hop - and an extra big thanks for adding TTA to your Linky Love Library! I'm a follower of your blog! :)


  11. I am your new follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday. Have a great day and thank you so much for stopping by.

  12. Hi Doll! Returning your follow & thanking you so much for linking up with FMBT!

  13. I am following from FMBT. I am a fellow Twilight lover!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)