Friday, June 25, 2010

Flashback Friday ~Budding Artist

I was browsing through my photos and I realized that I have never added this project to my blog.  I don't know why.  Just an oversight I guess.  So, here is an old~new project for today.  Old because I made it last year, new because I have never shared it.

I used a tin pail and covered it with patterned paper using mod podge.  Then I added stickers that said "Budding Artist".  Inside I put a cute chipboard book and some art supplies.  It is ready to take on the road!  This would be fun for a long car trip, or just to have when the kids get bored this Summer.
HAPPY crEAtIng :)

I link to THESE LOVELY places.  Show them some love!

PS-Let me know if you start to Follow Me, so I can follow YOU back! :)

badgeSmart and Trendy Momsfriday-follow


  1. You're very creative and talented. Looks like you must have patience, too!
    Found you on Simply Designing

  2. WOW! that's an amazing make-over! thanks for the follow ;) i'm now following along...can't wait to go through your archives!

  3. That is a great transformation! Thanks for stopping by and following. I was already following you :)

  4. Hi! I don't see you on my list of followers. Maybe it takes a while to show up sometimes?! Either way thanks for stopping by my blog. It's always great to find another Lori!! I'm following you now. :)

  5. Hi there.
    Stopping by from Friday-Follow to say hello.
    Thanks for playing.Please post our image so people know to comment and follow.
    Have a great day!

  6. Terrific transformation! Cute and useful!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am now following.

  8. How cute is that! :) I'm following back from the friday follow!!

    I'm hosting a BLOG BASH! I hope you will stop by and join in on the fun! Gain new followers and blogs to read! :)

  9. I love that! Do you happen to know where to find tin boxes like that? I have a feeling I'm going to be on the prowl for

  10. Just went around your blog, LOVE your crafting. I'm now following you. Please follow me and see kids and mom's crafts.

  11. Happy Friday! I am stopping by via the linky party.

    Your lunchbox looks utterly charming!

  12. I love it. That would be perfect on vacation.

  13. Awesome! What a great gift idea too!!!!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Ma, What's for Dinner

  14. Love your blog! I'm your newest follower - from Social Parade!
    Jennifer @ The Craft Barn

  15. All it's so cool! Following you now :D

  16. Wow, this turned out so cute!! Makes me want to be artistic! Thanks for sharing!


  17. so cute! what a great idea xx

  18. totally fabulous! What a fun idea for kids - probably would make a great birthday present too! Thanks for linking up to Scrappy Saturdays and adding the links/buttons to my site.

  19. I love it! You are a fav at PonyTails&FishScales....grab an I ROCK! button from my blog....yay!!!!

  20. Thanks so much for joining and posting my Follow Me Friday. I am following you back. Your blog is just adorable. Hope to see you again next Friday!


  21. May be an "oldie" but it is a GOODIE.

  22. Hi! I found you through Holly @504 Main...and I'm following now!

    I am an elementary art teacher, and I just might make this project to give away to one of my students in a classroom contest...thanks for giving me something to think about :)

  23. This is a very cute idea to do with kids for the summer too. thanks!

  24. That's adorable!! :o) Thanks for following me, following you back!!

  25. Hi Lori...

    Ohhh...I love your lunch pail turned "Budding Artist" supply kit! What a great idea and soooo practical when you're traveling with kiddos! I love the design...sooo pretty! You know, I have an old aluminum lunch pail just about like this. I need to get out my Mod Podge! Great idea...great post! Thank you so much for sharing it with us for the Sunday Favorites party this week! It was such a pleasure having you...hope that you'll join us again!!!

    Have a marvelous Monday, my friend!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  26. This is sooooooo cute. I just love it.

    Thanks for linking to Messy Monday!

  27. Looks great! I am now a proud follower and look forward to many more fun projects from here! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  28. I can't believe you have been holding out on this adorable project! I love it! Thanks for linking up to Hoo's got talent!

  29. That would be an awesome gift. The way you decorated the pail is fabulous. Great idea!

  30. That is so cute! Love the colors! Thanks so much for linking up on Craft schooling Sunday, really nice to see a new face and hope you'll drop by again soon! Have a great 4th.

  31. This is totally adorable!

    Thanks for linking up to Fab Friday -


  32. Cute idea!

    Thanks for linking up! I hope you join me today for my link party and a giveaway!

    Ashley @

  33. Saw this on the Scrappy Gifts Scrappy Saturday party. This is a great project! This is the perfect gift for birthday.

    P.S. I'm a new follower. I hope you come visit me at Seeds on a Breeze.

  34. I love this project! So cute! Do you remember where you got your tin?

  35. Your site is really cute! your so creative. I found you on linky list follow fridays. I added you to my google friends and my facebook.
    check out my blog and follow me back when you get a chance.

  36. Again this is amazing! Going to feature it tomorrow on my Friday Favorites!

  37. That is fabulous, a great idea and it turned out so nicely!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! You just made my day :)