Saturday, January 29, 2011


Are your walls lacking a little "something-something"? Do you wish that you could have a SPECTACULAR work of art to hang on your walls? I have a TREAT for you!!! Randi at r.gardner photographs is letting me host a giveaway for her.

Randi Gardner is a professional photographer with TONS of talent! I just know you are going to LOVE her work!!! She is giving away TWO 4X6 matted prints to one lucky Paisley Passions follower!

The winner will get to choose TWO matted prints from any of the prints offered on Randi's blog.  They will look ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS when framed and hanging on your walls!

 Want to enter???  Here's how:
1.  Follow Paisley Passions. (Leave a comment letting me know you follow)
2.  Follow r.gardener photographs @ Eye See. (Leave a comment letting me know you follow)
3.  Visit Randi's blog r.gardener photographs and see the prints available. (Leave a comment here letting me know which two matted prints you want if you win).

If you want MORE entries for MORE chances to win:

4.  Follow Paisley Passions on Twitter.  (Leave a comment letting me know you follow)
5.  Follow Paisley Passions on Facebook. (Leave a comment letting me know you follow)
6.  Blog about the giveaway with a link back to this post.  (Leave a comment and link to the post letting me know you blogged about it)

That gives you SIX chances to win TWO original works of art for your home!!!  :)  What more could you ask for???

This giveaway will be open until midnight on Saturday February 5, 2011.  The LUCKY winner will be announced on Sunday.  Winner will be chosen using a random number generator.



Unknown said...

I follow Paisley Passions!

Sew Me Mine said...

I'm already following :)


Sew Me Mine said...

Following r.gardener photographs @ Eye See


Sew Me Mine said...

Lost Love and Field of Daisies


Sew Me Mine said...

Following Paisley Passions on Twitter


Sew Me Mine said...

Following Paisley Passions on Facebook


Lynn said...

I am a follower.

Lynn said...

I love the field of daisies print.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower of Paisley Passions!


Lina Thomlinson said...

I follow your blog.

Lina Thomlinson said...

I like the Lost and Barb photos.

Jayna Rae said...

I follow Paisley Passions and love the fact that I do!!!

Hot Mess Mom said...

These are beautiful!

I'm your newest follower from Meet and Follow Sunday! I'd love for you to meet and follow my blog back! :)

Heather said...

I follow Paisley Passions!
hcoe777 at gmail dot com

Heather said...

I follow r.gardener photographs @ Eye See!
hcoe777 at gmail dot com

Heather said...

If I won I would want "Field of Daisies" and "Lost Love" for sure!
hcoe777 at gmail dot com

jandjhome said...

I'm a follower

jandjhome said...

They are all beautiful, but Lost Love is just perfect.

tifsong said...


tifsong said...

i want lost love and field of flowers. :)

Kelsey said...

Our walls are SO bare even though we've been in our place for 6 months! I've been following your blog for awhile... love it ;)

daisy g said...

I would enjoy Field of Daisies and Leeds. Thanks for the chance!

Courtney B said...

I am your newest follower :)

Courtney B said...

I am definitely a follower of Randi's!

Courtney B said...

I would love to win the Lost Love and Field of Daisies!

Anonymous said...

I follow Paisley Passions blog!


Anonymous said...

I followr.gardener photographs@eye see~


Anonymous said...

Lost love and Field of daisies are my absoulte favorites! But it was a hard choice

Anonymous said...

Follow Paisley Passions on twitter


Anonymous said...

I follow Paisley passions on Fb under the name Kelly C

Angela said...

I follow paisley passions on GFC

Angela said...

I follow r. gardener on GFC

Angela said...

I'm following on twitter as @suburbanjung

Angela said...

I'd like the prints "lost love" and "plums"

Angela said...

I liked you on facebook as Angela Maa s

Neoma said...

I'm folloing your blog!

Neoma said...

I'm follwing r.gardener photographs @ Eye See.


Neoma said...

I actually liked the Field of Daises and Caterpillars best! They are wonderful both of them!


Neoma said...

I'm also following you on Twitter!


Neoma said...

Blogged about this giveaway!


PS. thanks for hosting!

chisuml said...

I follow via google connect

chisuml said...

I follow r.gardener photographs (lovely stuff!!!)

chisuml said...

if i won, i'd be so happy with any of them, but i really like "barb" and "love lost" tonight! =)

chisuml said...

i follow on twitter (vagabondia79)

chisuml said...

i follow on facebook (lea chisum)

Jodie said...

I'm a Facebook follower.

Lisa B. said...

I just found your site today and I love your subway art frame. I will be stopping by to see what you are up to. Thanks for the inspiration.

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

Hey Lori, I follow Paisley Passions, with a PASSION, :)

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

I follow EYE SEE, and love her blog.

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

I would LOVE to get the PLUM, and LOST LOVE prints.

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

I follow Paisley Passion of twitter.

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

I follow Paisley Passion on facebook.

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

I added this awesome giveaway on my RIGHT SIDEBAR, under GIVEAWAYS I ENTER, so it is there all week, for everyone to see.

Thanks for hosting girl. This is fun!!!

Anonymous said...

I follow on Twitter!

Jo @ SmileMonsters

kinnairdkath said...

katherine kinnaird is GF blog follower of paisley passions

kinnairdkath said...

katherine kinnaird follows EYE SEE GF blog

kinnairdkath said...

Lost and Feild of daisys are the prints I would like

kinnairdkath said...

@kinnairdkath follows @paileypasions on twitter

kinnairdkath said...

katherine kinnaird likes paisley passions on FB

kinnairdkath said...


Mary Gardner said...

I follow you through gfc

Mary Gardner said...

I follow through gfc.

Mary Gardner said...

I love the plums and field of daisies!

Mary Gardner said...

I follow Paisley Passions on Twitter (jg4462)

Mary Gardner said...

I follow Paisley Passions on fb (mary gardner)

jdjmcc said...

I follow on GFC!

jdjmcc said...

I would love Field of Daisies and Plums!

jdjmcc said...

I follow Eye See on GFC!

Anonymous said...

I follow Paisley Passions.

Monica said...

I follow Paisley Passions!

Monica said...

I follow Eye See

Monica said...

I would pick the lost love and field of daisies.

Monica said...

I follow Paisley Passions on Twitter

Monica said...

I blogged at