Friday, October 8, 2010

ANOTHER MILESTONE for Paisley Passions!!!

This week, my little 'ol 3 month old blog, reached 1,000 followers!!!  I am in awe of all of you who stop by and comment on my creations, join in my Wandering Wednesday blog hop, link up to my Thrilling Thursday linky party, email me, and just plain say nice stuff about my blog!!!  It makes me feel so humble to know that there are so many creative people out there and I have been blessed to meet so many friends through blogging!  WOW!  I just can't say THANK YOU enough!!!

To celebrate this 1,000 follower milestone, I have decided that I am going to giveaway THREE FREE ad spaces on my sidebar.  You can use them to boost your blog hits, advertise your Etsy store, advertise other stuff you sell, or just to get the word out about your blog.

PAISLEY PASSIONS 1,000 Follower Giveaway!
Do you have your own etsy shop?  Do you have product and you need more traffic on your website to promote?  Or do you have a great blog that you want others to check out?

How would YOU like to get 3 months worth of FREE advertising for your site??

I am a SAHM with a quickly growing blog, and I want to support others who have started their own business, or successful blogs as well.

I'm offering 3 lucky winners a chance to advertise for FREE on my blog. The winners will each get a feature post dedicated to their shop/site. Then for 3 months your button will be featured on my sidebar listed under my Spectacular Sponsors.  After 3 months you have the option to sign on as a sponsor, or just take advantage of the free 3 months.  Either way it will help promote both of our blogs and be a win-win for everyone.

Here's how to enter:

1.      1.   Mandatory entry:  (1 entry) become a public follower of Paisley Passions. (Leave a comment letting me know you are following)
2.       2.   1 additional entry: become a Paisley Passions fan on Facebook. (Come back and leave a comment letting me know you are a FB follower).

3.       3.  1 more entry: follow Paisley Passions on Twitter.  (Come back and leave a comment letting me know you are a Twitter follower).

4.      4.  2 extra entries: add my button to your website (please leave your site address in the comment- and leave 2 separate comments)

That is FIVE ways you can enter!  FIVE chances to win!!! Good luck!

Please leave a separate comment for each entry.  I will be using the Random Number Generator to determine the winners :) 

(A special THANKS to KD Buggie for letting me use some of her "verbage" for this giveaway post!!!) 

***If you are already a sponsor, you can still enter.  If you win, I will extend your sponsorship by THREE months for FREE!!!***


Want to know about "sponsor swapping" with me???  CLICK HERE for details!



Unknown said...

Wow, congrats!! That is amazing : ) And what a generous giveaway! I am a happy follower of Paisley Passions.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower on Twitter

Staci J said...

Congrats Lori!! That's huge, and it happened so fast for you:)I'm a loyal follower:)

Staci J said...

I'm now following on twitter

Staci J said...

I'm also a facebook liker:)

Staci J said...

I now have your cute button on my blog

Staci J said...

Button on my blog entry #2

Holly @ BeachCoveJewelry said...

I'm a follower!

Holly @ BeachCoveJewelry said...

I also like you on facebook!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

I am so happy for you ! Congrats Lori!!

Dorothy said...

I am a follower and am in desperate need of followers myself (I only have 7).

Dorothy said...

Am a Facebook fan (I need more of those too. LOL)

Dorothy said...

Am following on Twitter, and retweeted your giveaway

Dorothy said...

I added your button to my sidebar, thank you

Dorothy said...

Thank you again for this awesome contest.

The Paisley Abbey said...

I am a follower....and fellow paisley lover!

Crystal said...

I follow your blog. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I am a proud follower of Paisley Passions! I just started my blog 2 weeks ago & would LOVE to be a sponsor of you!

Anonymous said...

I follow on twitter :)

Anonymous said...

I have you button on my blog :)

Patrice said...

Congratulations! I already follow.

Anonymous said...

I have your button on my profile comment #2

Anonymous said...

Would you want to do a blog swap with me? Just email me if you are interested! Thanks!

Ami Allison said...

WOW!! GO YOU!!! I'm a happy happy follower!! :)

Ami Allison said...

I follow you on twitter! :)

The Frugal Free Gal said...

Congrats on 1000 Followers! Any tips? Mine is 3 Months old and I am at 463. :) Good job! The Frugal Free Gal

Ami Allison said...

I am a fan on facebook! :)

Ami Allison said...

Your button is on my blog! :)

Ami Allison said...

#2 your button is on my blog! :)

What an AWESOME giveaway btw! :)

Kath' said...

I have became a lucky follower.. Whoo hoo
Kath' at

Kath' said...

I am a fan on your facebook. I clicked like I didn't see fan on there. Is there a spot where they still do that ? Come see me and join in my contest fun at

Kath' said...

Button going on my blog.. Whooo hooo Kath'

Kath' said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kath' said...

Follower on twitter so that's number 5 entry. WHooo hooo
Kath' from

Unknown said...

I am a follower! I love your Thrilling Thursdays linky party!

Kath' said...

#2 entry for button going on my blog.. Whoooo hoooo #2 for that part. Kath' at
Come join my blog contest and have some fun. I love meeting new friends. I messed up earlier and had to delete one box for spelling something wrong. LOL

Unknown said...

I added your button to my sidebar at

Michelle F. said...

I'm a follower!!


Michelle F. said...

I am a fan on Facebook!

Gina @ MoneywiseMoms said...

Congrats! That's fantastic growth for such a short time. I'm following.

Gina @ MoneywiseMoms said...

I'm following you on Twitter. I'm @moneywisemoms

Karen said...

Hi Lori,

Congratulations! I am now following you. I really like your blog.


Karen said...

I am your fan on facebook too!

The Loops said...

That is so amazing! I am definitely a follower.

The Loops said...

I liked you on facebook!

The Loops said...

I posted your button on my blog!

The Loops said...

I posted your button on my blog here:

Tara said...

I'm a new follower! Found you on Fun Follow Friday :)

Tara said...

Liked Paisley Passions on Facebook!

Tara said...

Following on Twitter!

Tara said...

Put your button on my Blog Sharing page!

Tara said...

Put your button on my Blog Sharing page!

This Texas Momma said...

I'm a follower!

This Texas Momma said...

I am a fan on facebook!

This Texas Momma said...

And I tweeted about it!

Jenn said...

Congratulations on this fabulous milestone. I can't believe you've had such success in so little time. My blog is almost a month old and I only have 83 followers (although grateful for every single one)! I would love to see a post about what strategies you used to get such loyal followers. Although I know that your fabulous content is the main thing! Congrats! Jenn

Oh I'm a follower on gfc

Jenn said...

I also am a facebook fan! :-) Jenn from

Jenn said...

Also follow you on twitter :-) Jenn from

Jenn said...

I follow you! Congrats on your success ~ it's inspiring! And thanks for a great giveaway...I better get my shop stocked in case I win! ;)

Kendra said...

1000 followers is a major accopmlishment! Way to go! I am a new follower and I would love to be the winner of your giveaway! I have a new-ish business that I would love to get advertised! I'm crossin my fingers!

Kendra said...

I am now your newest facebook "liker" :)

Rachel R. said...

I follow on GFC

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower, count me in :)

Anonymous said...

I'm likin you on facebook :)

Anonymous said...

I'm following you on twitter :)

Jen said...

This would be great! Thanks for a chance. I have been a follower for a little while now. Great blog!

Jen said...

I am a facebook fan

Jen said...

I follow you on twitter

Jen said...

I put your button on my website.

Jen said...

I put your button on my website.

Unknown said...

I am a new follower!

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter :)

Unknown said...

I "like" your page on facebook :)

Liz said...

Congrats, what an amazing achievement and thankyou so much for all the inspiration!! Good on you, I am an avid and happy follower

Liz said...

And I also added your button to my blog

AmyLynn said...

Congrats! :)
I'm a new follower.

AmyLynn said...

I like Paisley Passions on Facebook.

AmyLynn said...

I follow Paisley Passions on Twitter: hillfam2005

Patrice said...

That's fantastic! I'm already a follower!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower! Congrats- I can't believe you reached 1000 followers in just 3 months! That is amazing!

Anonymous said...

I'm following your blog :) Congrats again!


Jocelyn said...

What an awesome giveaway!!! I am a follower of paisley passions:-)

Spectacular Savings said...

Congrats! I am now a follower!

Spectacular Savings said...

I am a Facebook fan as well! Thanks for the opportunity!

Adventures said...

I am a follower!

Sweet Deals 4 Moms said...

I am following! Thank you for the chance.

Jen @ EmbellishingLifeEveryday said...

I follow you! :)

Jen @ EmbellishingLifeEveryday said...

I "like" you on facebook!

Stephanie said...

i just became a follower, that is amazing growing so quickly!!!

Taylor-Ann said...

Thats awesome. Of course I am already a follower.

Taylor-Ann said...

I "like" you on FB.

This is exciting. Congrats!

Taylor-Ann said...

Your button is on my blog...loud and proud.

from My modish mood

Taylor-Ann said...

Here is my second comment for posting your button on my blog.


Congrats again!


Jenn said...

New Follower!! Congrats on hitting the 1000 mark!

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

Congratulations!!! 1000 in 3 months...WOW!!! You go girl! I;m your new follower :)

lanni @ said...

I'm a follower -- I'd love to win :)

lanni @ said...

likin' you on facebook!

lanni @ said...

followin' you on twitter!

Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Angel Jacklyn said...


Pickel said...

Following you via Google Connect! :)

Pickel said...

Like you on Facebook!
As "Pickel Palm Coast"

Pickel said...

Following you on Twitter!
As pickelclothing


Lisa @ Simplified Saving said...

I'm a public follower!

Lisa @ Simplified Saving said...

I'm a public follower!

Lisa @ Simplified Saving said...

I'm a Facebook Liker!

Lisa Thompson

Lisa @ Simplified Saving said...

I'm a Facebook Liker.

Lisa Thompson

Lisa @ Simplified Saving said...

I follow on Twitter.


Andrea @ Keepin it Thrifty said...

Congrats on the Milestone!!!....I am a blog follower with ur button on my site!...i also follow on Facebook!!! i left a comment there! i love your blog!!... this would be a great way to get my blog noticed! I've only been blogging for a month!! if you have any great info on how to help me with my blog email me @ or stop by my blog! thanks!!! i love thrilling thursdays!!! ;)

Julie said...

I'm a follower! And I'd love to promote either my blog or my canvas shop. thanks!

Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn said...

I have PP as a favorite on

Jenn said...

2nd entry - PP is a favorite on - Jenn

Unknown said...

I'm a GFC as asexton!
mail (at) giveaways4mommy (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I am on fan on facebook :)

Jocelyn said...

I am a follower on your blog. That is an awesome giveaway!

Jocelyn said...

I am now a fan on facebook.

Jocelyn said...

I have a button on the side of my blog:-)

Eva said...

It is a great giveaway, a great opportunity.
Thank you so much!!!
I am a follower !

Eva said...

I have two blogs, and your button is in the sidebar of both :)

Eva said...

I am a fan in facebook too!!
Good luck!!

Eva said...

The other comment for post your button in my two blogs,

Thanks again!

Stephanie said...

I am a follower!

Stephanie said...

I follow on FB!

Stephanie said...

I have your button on my blog, too! I'm so excited about this!

Anonymous said...

Love being a PP follower!

Anonymous said...

Just liked you on the FB!

Anonymous said...

proudly posted your adorable button on my blog!

Anonymous said...

congrats on the milestone! I am sharing your awesomeness on my blog!

memakingdo said...

Congratulations and I am a follower!

Stacy Risenmay said...

I am a follower!

CountryBelle said...

I am a follower!

Jenn said...

Wow! Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment! I am a follower.

Jenn said...

I have your button on my sidebar under party links.

Jenn said...

#2 for posting your button!

Amie {Kitty Cats and Airplanes} said...

Wow what an accomplishment! I'm a follower! :)