Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gettin' Scrappy ~ Worlds Best Grandpas~

Just thought I would share a layout that I made.  I am still in the middle of cleaning out my craft room.  HEAVEN SAKES it is taking a long time!  I have spent so much time in there that now the rest of my house is suffering.  I am behind on laundry.  The kitchen is a mess.  Let's not even talk about the family room!  Hope to get caught up soon!

Fantastic BLOG HOPS are HERE.


Keli said...

I LOVE this layout!! Great Job! And it's the perfect layout for a really cute picture of my boys with my dad. thanks for sharing!

The Autocrat: Haley said...

Looks really good! Great job! Yeah, I always do that too, I will be cleaning and then I'm like, Oh I can whip this up real quick! LOL

Audrey @ Tight Wad in Utah said...

That is adorable!! I love it!

I found you from the hop! You can find me at


Rheanna Bristol said...

I'm a new follower from Keepin Company Thursdays. Love the blog, I think we'd get along great!

Tanyia said...

great lo!

Nikki said...

Awwwwww, super cute! Thanks for linking it up!! :)

CK said...

This looks SO good! I am so impressed by the colors! Really fun page the grandpas!

Nicki Woo said...

Lovely. So jealous. Hoping one day I will get back to scrapping again. Until then, I'll just admire yours.

Following you via boost my blog!

Hootin Anni said...

How awesome is this...I love it. Great job.

You made these? That is so awesome.

My Show n tell is "Troll Talk" if you'd like to click on the link and visit with me today

Mayje said...

It's such a sweet layout. I like it!

Kristi Flanagan said...

What a sweet picture and layout! Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party! Hope to see you again next Friday!

Angie Chu said...

Hi,following you from Boost My Blog Friday~Nice blog!

Donna @ The House on the Corner said...

Following from Design it Chic!!!

Hope you have a minute to stop by The House on the Corner!!

Capricorn Soap Company said...

HI there! Love your blog! I'm your latest follower from the Friday Blog Hop!

Sherrie said...

Found you from blog hop. Love your layout! So many interesting posts. Can't wait for my next visit :0)

Unknown said...


I am a new follower from blog hopping Friday!

I would love it if you followed me back, I have lots of great giveaways going on right now!


Terri said...

This is adorable! New follower, found you on toddler awesome blog hop. Going to check out more of your site. Check me out at:

Amy said...

This is a priceless picture!! I love how you decorated the scrapbook page too! thanks for sharing!

Danielle said...

Love it! I wish I could be a scrapbooker. I want to be but don't ahve enough patience or organization. I know. Bad!

I love your blog. I'm your new follower.

Jess and the boys said...

Thanks for joining Following Friday! I'm your newest follower! :)

And Then There Were 4...

Jeannette said...

Oh I love that layout! Thank you so much for linking up to Friday Party Hop! Have a great weekend.

Alicia said...

following you from 'I am wicked cheap!'


Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

Thank you for the comment, linking up and following Life as a Wife! :) I am following you back! Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

I'm your newest friday follower!!!

Please follow back at


Eliz Frank said...

Glad to connect with you... Happy Follow Friday! Following you!

AJsArts said...

Love it!

I found you from Design it Chic Blog Hop

You can find me at:

Thank you,
Amanda :)

A GAL NEEDS... said...

Hello! Nice to meet you from Friendly Friday Follow! Your blog is great! I'm your newest follower and of course I'd love it if you would follow back too!
Have a great weekend!

My Wee View said...

Thanks so much for participating in Fun Follow Fridays!

I'm your newest follower.


Melissa Au said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am following. I would love it if you could follow me back!


Stephanie said...

Love love love scrapbooking!!!! Cute LO!!! Popped over from That 22 Year Old Housewife!

Unknown said...

Very cute layout....gosh I need to get back into scrapbooking...

Thanks for linking up!

That Girl's Deals said...

That is super cool!

I was wondering if you wanted to join our Saturday blog hop too?

Hope to see you!

Wendy said...

Hi! I'm your newest follower from Friendly Friday! I love your cute and clever and creative ideas!! I will be happy to link to many of them in the future! I blog for moms and Homeschoolers and frugal people, and try to encourage and inspire sometimes, too!
Come over and visit me and read and check it out--I hope you'll like what you see and follow or subscribe!
Faith's Firm Foundation

Becca Ross said...

Very cute! Thanks for linking up.


Amanda- The Nutritionist Reviews said...

Hello! I am a new reader! Please follow me back at The Nutritionist Reviews and Giveaways:
I look forward to reading more of your posts!

Crystal said...

Gorgeous layout and what a special picture.

Kristy K said...

I'm following you now from Fancy Meeting You! I've already found so many great ideas on your blog!

Jessica @ Saving Money Living Life said...

You are so creative! Love it. Thanks for stopping by our blog on Friday and linking up- we love having you participate!