Sunday, August 15, 2010

Floral Laundry Basket.

{Have you entered my GIVEAWAY to say THANKS for reaching 500 Followers?  CLICK HERE TO ENTER}

I am just going to say it. I HATE LAUNDRY!!! Seriously. I always feel like I am behind on the laundry. It is a never-ending project. I guess that is what happens when you do laundry for 7 people. It is all consuming.
So, anything I can do to put a smile on my face when I do laundry makes it all the better :)

I took a bushel basket that was given to me (FREE!  LOVE IT!) and decided to turn it into a bright and fun colored laundry basket. Maybe it will make doing laundry a little more fun. Or not ;)

All I did was use some mod podge, tissue paper, and ribbon for this project. Just take the mod podge and use a foam brush to apply the mod podge directly to the basket. Gently lay the tissue paper on top and then put a top coat of mod podge on the tissue paper.  The tissue paper will kind of crinkle, but it will just give a textured look.
I added some ribbon around the top and the bottom, and then tied some ribbon on the handles.  The finished product is fun and colorful.  Here's hoping laundry day can be more fun and colorful too!  Haha!
This week I will be participating in BLOG HOPS HERE and LINKING UP TO PARTIES HERE.


Unknown said...

i love this... i have one bushel like this.. where did you buy.. mychurch is having a sale... I would love to make these for the sale.. but how much modge podge did you go thru...

Nancy's Daily Dish said...


Anonymous said...

It took a little over a 1/4 of a jar of mod podge and about one package of tissue paper. Not too bad :)

Jill said...

This is really cute! I love the way the tissue paper looks mod podged!

EYE can make that! said...

Looks beautiful... although I don't know if there is anything that makes laundry fun.

Moe said...

So cute! Stopping by cuz I saw you on Making Monday Marvelous!

scrappin girl said...

Very creative and so bright and cheery!!

Blissful Deviations said...

so cute, great idea. These bushels recently went on sale at hobby lobby... so I am gonna make some laundry baskets!! Thanks for the great idea!!

Anonymous said...

This is darling! Who would have thought an old bushel basket could be so cute! This would surely make me 'gather' my laundry anyway! :)
Be asweetie,
Shelia ;)

Sandie lee said...

Wow! This basket looks so beautiful. Good job!!

Following from Making Friends Monday :)

Sandie lee

Marie said...

Hi Lori - That is the most cheerful laundry basket I've ever seen. I would be so happy to do laundry if I own that basket :) You're so creative! Stopping by from SOYCM.

Steph @ Professors_Wife said...

oh WOW! This is so bright and fun! It might actually make laundry a little more tolerable... for a couple loads, at least ;) Great job!

Linda @ Linda's Lunacy said...

What a great idea! It will certainly make laundry much more cheerful.

José Maria Lobato said...

Hi,,, Wowwww, what a great idea, my imagination started to run fast regarding our Laundry Basket here at home!!! Congratulations for great work and inspirations!!! Hugs, have a wonderful week, José

Jen@born2impress said...

Hi there.
I am your newest FFF friend.
Please stop by and say HI:)

Turning the Clock Back said...

very cute! Hey. Just stopping by from Meet Me Mondays to check out your blog. Would love for you to follow back. I have lots of ecofriendly giveaways and coupons/freebies you might find usefull! Have a great week!


Jeanne said...

Your laundry is awesome. A creation I could really LOVE to own. Beautiful job. I too did laundry for seven for many years. Greatfully my five children are now doing their own and not loving it so much. HA!

Thanks for sharing your project.
Hugs, Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Wow! I kept a basket like that around for a while thinking I would come up with something for it, but I never did.
I don't think I'd do such a beautiful job as this. You are talented!

Sassy Sites! said...

very cute idea! Great job!!

...visiting from Sassy Sites! I a new follower! Come by and say HI! I love your blog! It's such a SASSY site! :)

Danielle said...

I LOVE the basket!

I'm a new follower! Hope you'll follow me back!

Anonymous said...

so pretty! Great idea. Thanks for participating in Fancy Meeting You. Rita from One 2 Try.

Kelly said...

Love, love this blog. Thanks for sharing these wonderful adorable creative ideas.

Mama Chocolate said...

LOVE it!

I'm a new follower from Green Follow Friday!

I'd love it if you wanted to follow me back! :-D

Unknown said...

Very Creative! Thanks for linking to 2nd Time Around~

Vintagesouthernlife said...

I love it! What a great idea. Maybe if I try one I will like doing laundry... probably not but I would enjoy the basket!

Unknown said...

So cute...I bet laundry will be at least a little more manageable now! :) Hope you have a wonderful day! Be sure to visit my blog for a great giveaway!

***Visit my blog for a GIVEAWAY and new linking party!***

Leah said...

such an ordinary household item and you made it beautiful! ...we all hate laundry!

Sandy said...

Hey! Comin' back to you from Friday blog hop. So sorry it took me so long to respond! Crazy life gets in the way! I'm following you, and LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog!!!

Katrina said...

Hey! I'm your newest follower via
Tuesaday Tag-Along! You have a great blog! I love the laundry basket!

Come by & visit me at

Amy said...

What a great idea!

I am a new follower from Follow Me Back Tuesday.

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Hey, I have a basket like this! Thanks for the post about yours, that is a great idea and it came out wonderfully.

Unknown said...

Your basket looks great! Thank you so much for sharing it with us at Anything Related!

Ginger said...

Super cute! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

Cecily said...

Oh I love this! Totally adorable! I want one!

Amy Meyer said...

Adorable! Definitely will make doing laundry more fun!

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

I can't believe it's just tissue paper!! So cute!!!

Amanda said...

Hey i'm a new follower,and i already entered a giveaway, great site and great pieces!

Room to Inspire said...

I can't believe that is tissue paper! Great idea. Thanks for linking up to Be Inspired today!


Nikki said...

Well if ever there was a way to make laundry fun, you found it! ;)
Thanks so much for linking up to gettin' crafty on hump day!!! :)

Tracey said...

Gorgeous! I'm getting some modpodge tomorrow. I just got 2 bushel baskets free and was going to toss them in the attic to use for fall Halloween decorations. I like your idea so much better. And I HATE laundry too!
Following from FFF.

Unknown said...

New follower from the Moms Review 4 You blog hop. Hope you have time to stop by:

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

great idea, very clever!

Stop over to enter my giveaway!

Leanne said...

That turned out so pretty. I love that look. It reminds me of Liberty of London line at Target. Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday.

Cara@HomespunKitchen said...

Love it! Looks fantastic!

LV said...

Thank you for the showing the before and after. I would never have guessed it was the same basket. You did an amazing transformation of this. It is very pretty and should make laundry duty much better.

brandon and jakell said...

Following via Thursday blog hopping
PLEASE follow me back at:

also stop in during our READY FOR BABY blogging event AUG 23-28th for
40+ reviews and giveaways! We have some awesome sponsors!


Erin said...

I LOVE how this turned out. How super cute!!!

Kat @ Black Kats Design said...

Lovely! It turned out really nice.

Thanks for linking up to the “Cheap Thrills Thursday” party at Black Kats Design. I hope you had fun and will join in again next Thursday!


Katie S said...

Visiting from Follow me Chickadee!!

LOVE the basket! It looks awesome!!!

April J Harris said...

Your basket is so pretty, it could almost make me feel better about doing laundry!

Maritez Gonzales said...

I featured your basket as my Friday Favorite...check it out :)

concretenprimroses said...

Very lovely!
Just don't let wet laundry hang on the modpodged part.

Olivia said...

Amazing! I love it!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic! I will have to try this! Now I just need to find a bushell basket...

Mama.Mommy.Mom. said...

I'm constantly amazed at all of the great things people make with ModgePodge. I've never used the stuff and I'm starting to feel a little left behind. hopefully I can do a project of my own soon!

Found you at Welcome Wednesday :)

Maureen F. said...

So pretty - great way to make folding laundry a happier thing to do

Anonymous said...

wow! So cute, I love it!

Here from TidyMom, happy weekend!

Heather Bredimus said...

Hi! I found your site off of Today’s Creative Blog! I love your craft! You are so talented! I just signed up to be your 598th follower! Woo hoo! I hope you stop by my new blog. I just started it 2 months ago and would love new friends! Please come see me at

Kristi Flanagan said...

What a cute way to dress up a not so fun task! Thanks for planting your creative seeds at Plant a Punkin Seed Party!

Have a great weekend.


Punkin Seed Productions

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hi Lori..., love, LOVE how you transformed that wooden laundry basket! may be to pretty to use for just laundry now! Wink!

Thank you so much for sharing your great project with us for Sunday Favorites, my friend!

Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design

AUDRA said...

I hate laundry too!
Fun basket!
Thanks for linking up last week!

Ashlee Marie said...

HA! That is so fun! That must make laundry a bit more fun! While Laundry isn't my favorite thing ever it's not my least favorite chore... Thank you for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

Crystal said...

What a cute idea! I think this basket would make laundry more fun its just so bright and cute.
Thanks for linking up to my challenge.

Holly Lefevre said...

I do not like laundry all! BUT with a super cute basket like that at least I would look good do the laundry. Another fabulous idea form you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!Can I buy a giant basket like this? All the best!

Sarah said...

fun basket!