Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday~Sparkler Fun



mle said...

So cool!
Looks like everyone's having great fun!!
happy WW

Marie@Procrastinating in Pink said...

fun pics!!

Anonymous said...

Great Light Effects!

alicia said...

Sparklers always make for such fun pics. I have so many left over we should think about it. Thanks for linkin up for WW!

Brittany said...

AHHH DOOORRRRR AHHH BULLLL! :) I want to do this! What setting do you use on your camera?

Rhonda said...

Love it. Great sparkler pics!!

Miller Racing Family said...

Happy Wordless Wednesday.
Love the photos. The first photo is amazing. It looks like something you could create in photo shop with a ton of work. Isn't it amazing when you can capture great photos like this!
Thanks for linking up this week and I hope you have a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

great pics! i'm a new follower from wobble over wednesday (happi shopr)

Anonymous said...

Brittany, I just used the nighttime setting on my camera. I think they turned out super fun too! Thanks! :)

Marcie W. said...

Those are awesome pics! Following you back from Obviously MARvelous!

Thanks again! - Mar

CK said...

These are totally cool!

Candace said...

These are awesome photos! We love to do sparklers on the 4th of July. My photos didn't turn out as well as yours did though!

Thanks for sharing them!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Very cool...super cute blog...Enjoying some blog hopping tonight....Hope you will stop by...

I have some great giveaways on my holiday blog and a special post on Grammy Girlfriend.

BowWowPet said...

Love these pics
I'm your newest follower :)

Veronica said...

Amazing pictures!!! Stopping by from Pam's blog :)

Its A Blog Party said...

Such great pictures! Looks like fun!
Thanks for linking up!

Sew Hungryhippie said...

I love this sparkler pic!