Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things I LOVE Thursday

Let's see.  What am I loving this week???  (I always feel I need to add a disclaimer here that says, yes, my family, home, food on the table, all that good stuff is ALWAYS on my list.  Even if I don't list them).

I am still LOVING that the Tour de France is on.  It will be over on Sunday.  *SIGH*  Now I don't know what I will do with my LONG HOT Summer afternoons when I don't have the Tour to watch :)
 I am loving that my Hubby didn't get hurt when he hit the deer with his car on his way out of town on Monday.  The car isn't so lucky.  At least my hubby was.
 I am loving that we planted three palm trees in our backyard.  We still need grass, a fence, and other stuff, but at least we got started!
 I am loving that I got started on my Craft Room Organization project.  I will love it even MORE when it is done :)  I will share pics of the finished project.  I promise!

What are you loving this week???



Ellen aka Ellie said...

1) Your blog! :)

2) The fact that I'm well into the second week of my Couch to 5K.

3) The rain that's forecast for today.

4) An anticipated lunch with girlfriends.

And that's just my list for today. The whole week would take too long. It's always good to spotlight the simple pleasures. Thanks for the opportunity to do so.

Anonymous said...

I'm your newest Thursday follower! please follow back at:


Jamie Bishop said...

New follower from Thurs blog hop.

Jenn Erickson said...

Haven't done a blog hop in ages, so I'm really loving having the leisure time to discover new friends, talents, and bloggers. I'm so glad that you're husband wasn't injured in his run-in with the deer!

Hopping by from "Humboldt Cherry". Glad to meet you and follow you too. Have a great weekend! Jenn

Powdered Toast Man said...

Found you through Friday Follow.

I have hit 4 deer with 4 different vehicles.... sigh

I am loving blueberry beer this week.

Kimberly said...

Hi! I'm a new follower from iFiH! I look forward to reading!